The 14th Enochian Key

(Phonetic Pronunciation) 

Noh.roh.mee Pah.ess.beh.ess Teh.ree.neh.teh

 " Toh.leh.ah.meh Kah.oh.ess.goh Hoh.mee.nehDeh.ess 

Beh.ree.neh Oh.roh.koh "":

Mee.keh.mah Bee.ah.el 

Bah.el.tee.emZod.ah.kah.reh Oh.deh Zod.ah.meh.rah.neh:

Oh.deh.oh Kee.keh.leh Qu.ah.ah:


Lah.peh Zodee.reh.doh Noh.koh Mah.dehHoh.ah.teh Ee.Ah.Ee.Deh.Ah!



The 14th Enochian Key English Translation:

O you sons of fury, the daughters of the Just, which sit upon 24 seats, vexing all creatures of the earth with age, which have under you 1636: behold the Voice of God, the promise of him which is called amongst you Fury or Extreme Justice. Move and show your selves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same God as you, the true worshiper of the Highest.


Invokes the forces of Virgo