The 18th Enochian Key
(Phonetic Pronunciation)
Ee.el.ess Mee.kah.oh.el.zod Oh.el.pee.reh.teh Ee.ah.el.peh.reh.geh Beh.lee.oh.reh.ess
Deh.ess Oh.deh.oh Buh.seh.dee.rah Oh.uh.oh.ah.reh.ess Kah.oh.ess.goh,
Kah.sah.reh.meh.geh "Eh.rah.neh" Beh.ree.neh.teh.ess
Kah.eff.ah.eff.ah.meh, Deh.ess Ee.veh.meh.deh Ah.qu.loh Moh.zod Oh.deh
Mah.oh.eff.eff.ah.ess; Boh.el.peh Koh.moh.beh.lee.oh.reh.teh Pah.meh.beh.teh.
Zod.ah.kah.reh Oh.deh Zod.ah.meh.rah.neh:
Oh.deh.oh Kee.keh.leh Qu.ah.ah: Zod.oh.reh.geh:
Lah.peh Zodee.reh.doh Noh.koh Mah.deh, Hoh.ah.teh Ee.Ah.Ee.Deh.Ah!
The 18th Enochian Key English Translation:
O thou mighty Light and burning flame of comfort which opens the glory of God to
the center of the earth, in whom the Secrets of Truth 6332 have their abiding, which is
called in your kingdom Joy and not to be measured: be thou a window of comfort
unto me. Move and show your selves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly
unto me: for I am the servant of the same God as you, the true worshiper of the
Invokes the forces of Aries