The 2nd Enochian Key


(Phonetic Pronunciation) 

Ah.deh.geh.teh Veh.pah.ah Zod.oh.neh.goh.meh Sah.el.deh El, Soh.bah.meh Ee.ah.el.par.geh Ee.zod.ah.zod.ah.zod Pee.ah.deh.peh:
Kah.sah.reh.mah Yah Tah.el.hoh Pah.rah.keh.leh.dahQu.tah Oh.oh.geh Bah.el.tohGee.vee Keh.hee.ess El.vess.deh

 Oh.reh.reh.eeOh.deh Mee.kah.el.peh Bee.ah Oh.zod.oh.neh.goh.neh

Lah.peh Noh.ah.neh Tar.oh.eff Koh.reh.ess Tah.gehOh.qu Mah.nee.neh
Zod.ah.kah.reh Kah Keh.noh.qu.oh.deh:
Zod.ah.mar.ah.neh Mee.kah.el.zod.oh:
Oh.deh Oh.zod.ah.zod.meh Var.el.peh:
Lah.peh Ee.Oh.Ee.Ah.Deh!



The 2nd Enochian Key English Translation:



Can the wings of the winds understand your voices of wonder, O you the second of the first, whom the burning flames have framed within the depths of my Jaws; whom I have prepared as Cups for a Wedding, or as the flowers in their beauty for the Chamber of righteousness. Stronger are your feet then barren stone, and mightier are your voices then the manifold winds. For you are become a building such as is not, but in the mind of the All powerful. Arise, says the First: Move therefore unto his Servants: Show your selves in power: And make me a strong Seer: for I am of him that lives forever.



Invokes the Passive\Magnetic forces that are called Soul and Body