Essential Translation of the names of the Parts of the Earth

The following was a post to enochian-l by Dean Hildebrandt on January 6, 1999.  It is posted here with his permission.   Revised and added to by Frater V.I.T.R.I.O.L., using two other online sources: 1. A group ritual performed by others attempting to initiate a global change.    The name of the first governor is DIACMAR.   It is taken from unused letters on the Tablet of Nalvage and the Sigil of Truth.  Four and Three respectively.  2. The original document before I made any additions.  I’ve changed nothing save that addition and the placement, for clarification of the third turning point.  The formula is to invoke the key of the aethyr, then call on the Governor.  However, before doing this, the revised Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram should be performed.  The keys are phonetically spelled. 

Also, before the governors are called, it is necessary for the individual to first invoke the 18 Keys, beginning with the 18th, and working backwards until the 1st Key is invoked.  After that working, the 19th Key is used 31 times, once on each of the next 31 successive days, to call upon each of the 31 aethyrs, beginning with TEX and working all the way up to DIAC.  It is only after this initial working is done that the governors are invoked, beginning with LIL and DIACMAR and working your way down (one per day) to TEX and LAXDIZI.  The entire working takes 142 days.  Also, Make certain to perform the revised LBRP before each Key.  This is very important as it balances the practitioner, preparing them for the influx of energy of the aethyrs and governors.

Dean Hildebrandt:

I recently tried running through the aethers to try to get an outline of their and the parts of Earth's nature and structure. It seemed to me that between Ben's work, Crowley's The Vision and the Voice and The Book of Lies (most of whose chapters correspond to the parts), the Aurum Solis's take on the parts, and the letters essence interpretations of the names, there is a lot of information that has been received but hasn't been sorted through. I accordingly invoked each of the aethers and asked for commentary on the works above, translations of the names, and any other information they cared to give. Judging from responses to some of my previous posts, I suppose I should say that I'm not holding back more detailed records; this is the sort of results I get.

There has been some debate regarding the direction with which one should work with the aethers. I approached them from the point of view of movement from top to bottom and that's what I got. In commenting on Crowley's visions, the angels a number of times said he'd gotten dark results because he was trying to open himself to energies that weren't there because they were supposed to be created in a higher aether or that he was pulling in that would normally enter in higher aethers, most notably Babalon's entrance in ARN. On the other hand, Ben [Rowe] in working down the parts has gotten a lot of information regarding crossing the Abyss starting with ZAX, rather than information about things unfolding below the Abyss as one would expect.   The basic pattern seems to be that a creative energy emerges and settles into form out of which creative energies at lower level emerge and so on. There are three major turning points in the aethers, ZAX, LIN, and TEX, the first two of which I tend to think of as being the turnings from the causal to mental and mental to astral planes, though the angels have said this is only approximately correct. These come in the midst of emergence to form processes. The aethers are power zones of a sort and have no residents besides the parts, except for aethers 24-26 who have large numbers of other residents that get drawn into the last creative process. These are able to move between the 23rd and 29th aethers though they tend to avoid BAG.

While I've tended to use the letter essences as a verbal focus, I must admit that my experience with them is limited, so all translations should be considered provisional. Without even noticing, I've started taking the letter Z as indicating the second in the basic 1 above, 2 below, 3 between structure.

LIL means "the first emerging from the root energy", something like Kether surrounding the still point at its center. Babalon (Lilith to Ben) in her highest form enters here, allowing for the possibility of creation.

1. DIACMAR – “Potential energy begins causing knowledge enabling Movement”, this is the force that makes Creation, making energy into Matter and Matter into Energy.  It is the Matrix.

2. OCCODON - "becoming causes created being's potential to become within", this has a spiritualizing though not ordering or purifying effect, particularly with reference to the blood in Babalon's cup, ie that which has been offered for use.

3. PASCOMB - "space-time possess the cause of becoming aware of choice", will arises out of this, order and disorder and creation and chaos being employed indifferently.

4. VALGARS - "light and dark begin the providence not beginning movement together", the one loves the many and influences it through light and dark.

ARN means "beginnings move interiority". Here Babalon withdraws as that which has been introduced takes on a life of its own. Interiority refers to the center of the succeeding stages, the initial creation being completed. 

5. DOAGNIS - "potential being begins not within energy's possession", the beginning of ordering outside Babalon's realm, forming circles out of spirals as seen in Ben's vision.

6. PACASNA - "here-now causes the beginning of gathering within time", these move as the circles created above, giving the circles substance and bringing continuity to the new energies, assimilating old energies or disrupting them if that is not possible. 

7. DIALIOA - "the third enables the beginning of providence energizing being anew", this creates continuity downward and integrates with what is there at each level.

ZOM means "the Second becomes known", which is self-explanatory. That created in the first two aethers is realized as an impulse from above to be implemented. Crowley created a connection between this aether and Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Hoor-Pra-Kraat, and Heru-Ra-Ha. 

8. SAMAPHA - "possessing the beginning of awareness begins establishing life anew", seeing where things have come from and where they may go, awareness of that which has come from above.

9. VIROOLI - "darkness enables movement of being to become the First's energy", removal of that which is inconsistent with the impulse from above.

10. ANDISPI - "anew inside the Third's energy gathers established energy", gathering of those energies which are usable to implement the impulse from above.

PAZ means "where begins the Second". The angels say that Crowley saw this aether quite clearly and that the Second refers to the virgin embracing chaos.  

11. THOTANP - "balanced breath becomes balance anew within space", the lower admits the higher.

12. AXZIARG - "time limits division enabling the beginning of moving not", imposition of limits from above on below.

13. POTHNIR - "here becomes equilibrated life within energized motion", a balance between above and below is reached.

LIT means "uniting energy adjusted", the energy joining above and below is adjusted so that they fit together with the correct direction (indicated by the arrow in Crowley's vision), the lower is drawn up to a higher level of functioning.

14. LAZDIXI - "uniting anew the divided, the Third enables energy to emerge from limitation", the aspirant or magician as a servant bringing in energy from above. 

15. NOCAMAL - "selfhood becomes the cause beginning awareness anew of unity", adjusting the aspirant to serve as a channel for that which is to flow. 

16. TIARPAZ - "balance enables the beginning of movement in space-time's limitations", aspirant as vessel within world.

MAZ means "mind again divided", giving forth a mind of the nature of the Second which produces a purifying fire where it meets opposition. 

17. SAXTOMP - "possession begins limiting balance becoming known in space", the mind produced has definite characteristics which it advances. 

18. VAVAAMP - "darkness begins the darkness beginning the time of knowing space", this produces behavior of the sort associated with the Ape of Thoth, the pure fool is able to shoot the swan. 

19. ZIRZIRD - "division enables movement of the Second enabling movement of the Third", life as a vehicle within the confines of the Earth's gravity.

DEO means "the Third's will becomes". This is a fructifying goddess energy, the mind created above finding vessels through the feminine and being absorbed into the flow of things. 

20. OPMACAS - "becoming established knows when to cause the beginning of gathering", gathering of elements for the purpose of expression, waiting and preparation. 

21. GENADOL - "not willing within time, the Third becomes united", absorbing the will of the mind from outside the course of time. 

22. ASPIAON - "time possesses space enabling time to exist within", returning to the concrete, pregnancy of a sort.

ZID means "division enables the Third", the mind given form is available in the world of greater divison. This aether is connected to the EM and NI.   

23. ZAMFRES - "division begins knowledge manifesting emotion willing possession". This seems to involve serpent goddesses as owners of the material forming the Earth and a reflection of the pregnancy above in actions below. There is a similarity to the functioning of the NI. 

24. TODNAON - "balance becomes potential withing the time of being within (the womb)". Balance allows on to transcend division and enter the womb, absorbing its potential. This connected to the way the EM work. 

25. PRISTAC - "setting in motion energy possessing balance beginning creation", twins emerge from the womb, reflecting the NI and EM together. There was a repeated insistence that the blindworm in the Book of Lies is a misrepresentation of Set.

ZIP means "divison enables establishment". The nature of this aether is reflected in the daughter of Babalon/virgin of world as seen by both Crowley and Ben.

26. ODDIORG - "being the Third's potential enables being to change nothing", being is brought out of existent motion and tendencies that it may become part of the virgin. 

27. CRALPIR - "creation moves anew first setting energy in motion", the virgin is moved setting tendencies in motion. 

28. DOANZIN - "the Third becomes beginnings within the division enabling selfhood", how influence is sent forth in a form that will affect the world below. It was emphasized that Ben would have understood what he saw for this part in a previous life, though there are apparently any other number of images that would be of equal validity for the part.

ZAX means "parts again limited". This is a turning where energy comes through from above to below the "Abyss". It is not a sea but is often seen as one. 

29. LEXARPH - "providence wills limitation beginning motion establishing life", gives mission to those stars rising through the Abyss and willing to receive. 

30. COMANAN - "creation becomes aware of time within the beginning of selfhood", disruption of the forms the star returns to is necessary to carry out mission it has received.

31. TABITOM - "balance begins choice enabling balance to become knowledge", recombination of star with disrupted parts. The fear that Ben perceived was explained as the result of "Crowley's attack on Neuberg", though no further details were given.

ICH means "enable because of life", energy transmitted inside and takes on form on the mental plane through the action of life, meaning humans at high levels of attainment at present on Earth. 

32. MOLPAND - "knowledge becomes providence setting beginnings within possibility", providence enters through whatever holes (knowledge) are available.  

33. USNARDA - "light possessed within time moves the Third anew", movement which results from the introduction of the impulse from above. 

34. PONODOL - "space becomes interiority becomes possibility becomes one", feminine as absorbing the influence and becoming pregnant, taming the energy in the process.

LOE means "providence becomes will", specific forms are taken on to implement will.  

35. TADAMAL - "balance begins the Third's time of knowing time's unity", knowledge that life and death cycle and are but a game. 

36. GEDOONS - "not willing, the Third becomes being within togetherness", becoming distinct things while still knowing unity, part of the play of the universe. 

37. AMBRIOL - "again aware of the choice of changing energy to become unity", will made part of the universe.

ZIM means "separation enables knowledge", the beginning of independent action in accord with received will. 

38. GECAOND - "no-will creates anew being within possibility", many acting in lockstep but one may step outside.  

39. LAPARIN - "providence begins setting anew motion energizing selfhood", individuality opened to influx from above. 

40. DOCEPAX - "the Third becomes the creative will whereby space-time is limited", creation through individuality.

VTA means "light and dark equilibrate time", Making things happen at the right time and in the right order. 

41. TEDOAND - "balanced willed potential becomes anew within possibility", all is possible without attachment. 

42. VIVIPOS - "darkness enables light to energize space being gathered", incorporates personality by reference to its obscurities (note that both Ben and Crowley in the Book of Lies seem to have gotten exactly what they'd want to hear). 

43. OOANAMB - "being becoming anew within the time of knowing multiplicity", will incorporates personality.

OXO means "becoming limited being", quiet, entering the earthy/concrete. 

44. TAHAMDO - "balance begins life's beginning to be aware of the Third's becoming", influence absorbed quietly unless resisted.   

45. NOCIABI - "self becomes the cause of energy becoming multiplied energy", still earthy but becoming more active.

46. TASTOXO - "judgment begins acquiring balance becoming limited being", higher judgment takes form through the preceding.

LEA means "the First wills anew", the First completes its process of formation. 

47. CUCARPT - "creation emerging from light begins motion setting things in balance", these are present everywhere, focus shifting about at instantaneous speed.   

48. LAUACON - "the First begins light anew causing the becoming of self", energizing the self. 

49. SOCHIAL - "togetherness becomes the cause of life's energy beginning to unite", the light completely penetrates the self.

TAN means "judgment begins selfhood".   

50. SIGMORF - "possessing energy not knowing becomes motion's appearance", not knowing takes on form, judgment not yet made. 

51. AVDROPT - "when darkened and enlightened, possible motion becomes established judgment", judgment made. 

52. TOCARZI - "judgment becomes the cause of new movement of the Second's energy", judgment is implemented moving the Second.

ZEN means "parts of will within", independent actors implementing will from above.   

53. NABAOMI - "self begins choosing again to become aware of energy", becoming aware of the will from above. 

54. ZAFASAI - "parts begin manifesting when acquiring new energy", avenues for will appear. 

55. YALPAMB - "energy begins the first establishment while aware of multiplicity", avenues are employed within multiplicity.

POP means "space being here", specific locations in space where will is implemented in practice. 

56. TORZOXI - "judgment becomes motion of the Second becoming limiting energy", energy giving definition to specifics is introduced. 

57. ABRIOND - "again choosing motion enabling becoming within possibility", motion which allows energy above to act. 

58. OMAGRAP - "becoming aware again of nothing moving anew here", limitation set, now in place.

CHR means "because of breath's movement", here we enter into the processes of life, represented by the wheel in Crowley's vision. 

59. ZILDRON - "divided energy unites a potential motion becoming selfhood", energies created above form into selves in accord with processes of life. 

60. PARZIBA - "space-time change the parts enabling choice anew", selves created evolve according to their natures. 

61. TOTOCAN - "judgment being judged becomes the cause of beginnings within", selves beginning new paths from within their own natures.

ASP means "the beginning of acquiring space" in the sense that Ben has described of creators claiming "dark matter" and using it for their creations.  

62. CHIRZPA - "creating life enables motion of the Second in space-time", a vessel is created. 

63. TOANTOM - "balanced being begins within judgment becoming known", higher will becomes known. 

64. VIXPALG - "dark energy limits space-time unifying not", space carved out for action.

LIN means "providence energizes within", the space acquired is made open to creation. 

65. OZIDAIA - "being divided enables the Third to begin energizing anew", the space is energized. 

66. PARAOAN - "space-time move anew becoming then within", the space is connected to the process of becoming in accordance with the will from above. 

67. CALZIRG - "creating time, the one divides energy moving not", the beginning of creation within the space acquired.

TOR means "balance becomes motion", within the space acquired, transformation is introduced.  This aethyr represents the second major turning: that of Mental to Astral.

68. RONOOMB - "motion becomes within being becomes aware of choice", motion begins within the energized space. 

69. ONIZIMP - "becoming within energizes the Second enabling awareness of space", able to see what is there to work with.  

70. ZAXANIN - "the Second begins limiting time within the energy within", that which is in the space is brought into harmony with the will from above.

NIA means "within the energy of time", the space is joined into the divine play, joyful.   

71. ORCANIR - "becoming motion creates beginnings within energized motion", beginnings of the manifestation of the will from above. 

72. CHIALPS - "because of life, energy again unites space together", life as that which joins the beginnings into workable systems. 

73. SOAGEEL - "gathering existence anew with no purpose wills unity", unity results from gathering with no purpose.

UTI means "light judges energy", this brings into focus what was begun in the previous aether and send it forward in a harmonious way. 

74. MIRZIND - "awareness of energy moves the Second's energy within possibility", possibilities are seen within what has come before. 

75. OBVAORS - "being chooses light or dark anew becoming the motion of gathering", choices are made amongst possibilities seen and things are brought together. 

76. RANGLAM - "movement beginning within does not unite anew awareness", choices made are carried out independently.

DES means "the Third's will gathers", those residents of the 24th-26th aethers that have responded are here gathered and given order and direction.  

77. POPHAND - "space becomes the setting of life anew within possibility", those who have responded are brought together in the acquired space.

78. NIGRANA - "within energy no movement of time emerging from within", temporal tendencies of those gathered are removed.  

79. BAZCHIM - "multiplicity begins dividing the cause of life enabling awareness", those gathered become aware of their new purpose.

ZAA means "division begins anew", those gathered in DES separate again to fulfill their new roles, dropping what they did before. 

80. SAZIAMI - "gathering anew the parts enabling the beginning of awareness of energy", those that are to separate receive their instructions. 

81. MATHULA - "knowing time balances life light and dark united anew", transcending concern about one's own life and death 

82. ORPANIB - "becoming motion in space begins selfhood enabling choice", individuality restored within confines that have been set.

BAG means "multiplicity begins nothing", those who have assembled above drop their independent wills.  

83. LABNIXP - "providence then choosing to be within the energy limiting space", choosing to allow a limiting of choice of actions. 

84. POCISNI - "space becomes the cause of energy gathering within a higher energy", limiting of choice brings them into harmony with their new situation. 

85. OXLOPAR - "becoming limited providence becomes the space beginning motion", the energy which they have assimilated to moves through its new parts.

RII means "motion energizes ability", motion coming down from above utilizes the assimilated parts. 

86. VASTRIM - "light and dark anew together in balanced motion enabling awareness", assimilation allows awareness of what is needed. 

87. ODRAXTI - "becoming potential movement begins limiting balanced energy", specific avenues are chosen, leaving others aside. 

88. GOMZIAM - "not being aware the Second's energy begins mind", independent mind set loose to act out inspiration as best it is able to.

TEX means "justice intends lowering". This aether is the final major turning and serves as a filter letting through those things which are to pass to Earth.   

89. TAONGLA - "justice begins existing within the disunity of time", ordering of divine justice begins in the here-now. 

90. GEMNIMB - "not willing knowledge within enables awareness of choice", seeing outward rather than inward, focus on possible consequences of choice rather than intentions. 

91. ADVORPT - "then potential darkness becomes motion establishing justice", having seen outward, it is possible to act justly. 

92. DOZINAL - "possibility becomes the Second's energy within the time of unity", this is how it all becomes part of the manifest world.

93. LAXDIZI - "uniting anew limiting potential enabling the division of energy", this is how it all continues manifesting within the world.