1. Right View

This means understanding that all eight of these things are meant to be integrated as part of a whole way of life, rather than as steps to be followed.

2. Right Intention 

This means Renunciation, Good Will and Harmlessness.  Ultimately, the goal is to maintain Inner Peace.

3. Right Speech

This means abstaining from False Speech, Slanderous Speech, Harsh Speech and Idle Chatter.  It can be summed up as only speaking kind, truthful and helpful words.

4. Right Action

This means refraining from needlessly taking another's life, stealing or sexual misconduct.  I define sexual misconduct as engaging in sexual crimes in any form.  That being said, I believe that anything occurring between consenting adults is perfectly fine.

5. Right Livelihood
This means earning a living honestly, legally and peacefully.

6. Right Effort

This can be summarized as learning to control, calm and center the mind.

7. Right Mindfulness

This is maintaining a state of calm, detached observation, without engaging in Judgment.

8. Right Concentration

This is maintaining a state of fixed, one-pointed concentration.