There is something in the books of Douglas Monroe that I feel needs some mention here.  I mention it here because this is where my view sharply differs from Douglas'.  It concerns something in his books called the Doctrine of Separations.  He seems to believe that men and women cannot work together spiritually and even implies that they short circuit one another if they are not kept separate spiritually.  In my experience, this is simply not true.

In the 21 Lessons of Merlyn, he has a diagram of the human brain, complete with different functions of each side. Using that as a basis, I'd like to point out that both men and women use portions of each side at any given time. 

If either side is deficient, it lowers the overall function of the brain.

Spiritual Alchemists teach of merging opposites to create the Philosopher's Stone.  This stone is actually the state of consciousness needed to perform effective magick.  If you have "female" imagination without "male" force, you have only fantasy.  On the other hand, if you have "male" force without "female" imagination, you have no direction for the raised energy.  So, either extreme lacks results.  Only when both are united on some level do you generate the proper energy and focus to enable magick to work. 

Additionally, there are covens that practice sex magick, a physical way of merging opposites, as a means of generating the necessary power for magick.

This is not intended to be an attack on Pheryllt Druidism or the books of Douglas Monroe.  It is simply my opinion on this matter, which is based on my personal experience.  I believe that the Doctrine of Separations should be replaced with a Doctrine of Unification.