Many people and groups, from many different backgrounds not affiliated with this Order, through their own work on their individual websites and books, have provided inspiration and indirect guidance for my work on this website.  Their inclusion here does not mean that they agree with, or otherwise endorse, my work or even agree with one another.  Nor does it mean that I agree with all beliefs of any person or group on this list.  Their being listed here is simply my way of extending my thanks and giving credit where credit is due.

It is with this in mind that I extend my thanks and eternal gratitude to the following groups and people:

Church of Scientology:

The church's unique approach to metaphysics and mental health, through their religious teachings, has helped me sharpen my mental skills and provided me with personal guidance in my approach to these areas for my own self improvement.

David Griffin (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn):

His book, The Ritual Magick Manual:  A Complete Course in Practical Magick gave me information I'd been looking for that I was unable to find previously, enabling me to expand my rituals to include previously unknown information, saving me years of research.

Kevin Trudeau (Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About and More Natural Cures Revealed):

His suggested cures remain very helpful in giving me a place to start when looking up natural remedies.  Though I usually do deeper research into his suggestions before using them, his work provides a helpful foundation for that research.  I'm aware of his criminal background, but that does not invalidate the practical information in is books, imo.

Maxine Dietrich (Joy of Satan Ministries)

Her work with the Goetic Spirits has provided me with a lot of very useful information regarding them.

Scott Stenwick (Augoeides: Spiritual Technology for a New Aeon):  

His work and teachings about the various energy fields that can be created with the Pentagram and Hexagram Rituals has been (and continues to be) extremely helpful in furthering my own work.  Additionally, his instructions in many other rituals provide much needed insight into many other areas of metaphysical practice.

Tom Delisso a.k.a. Hermes ( and Reality Creator Books):

His work researching the Enochian Aethyrs helped make my Enochian Apocalypse Working Ritual information complete.  Also, the assistance he has provided (and continues to provide) through email correspondence has been very helpful in a number of situations.

Mark Hicks and TruthUnity Ministries:

Their online publication of the works of Charles Fillmore continues to be extremely helpful in my metaphysical bible interpretation.

Many others have inspired and aided me in the creation of this website in many ways.  This list is by no means complete and will be expanded as time permits.  Thanks again to everyone for your inspiration and continued assistance over these many years.