Enochian Enochian Element and
Name Pronunciation Enochian Letter Essence Interpretation Sub-Element
DATT Dah.Teh.Teh 'Potential Begins Adjusting Balance' Earth of FIRE
ATTD Ah.Teh.Teh.Deh 'Renewed Balance Adjusts Possibilities' Earth of FIRE
TTDA Teh.Teh.Dah 'Justice Balances Potential's Beginning' Earth of FIRE
TDAT Teh.Dah.Teh 'Adjusted Potential Renews Balance' Earth of FIRE
DIOM Dee.Oh.Ehm 'Potential Ability Becoming Known' Earth of FIRE
IOMD Ee.Oh.Ehm.Deh 'Ability Becoming Known Potential' Earth of FIRE
OMDI Oh.Ehm.Dee 'Being Knows Potential Ability' Earth of FIRE
MDIO Ehm.Dee.Oh 'Known Potential Enables Being' Earth of FIRE
OOPZ Oh.Oh.Peh.Zod 'Existence Becomes Here Divided' Earth of FIRE
OPZO Oh.Peh.Zod.Oh 'Being Here Divides Existence' Earth of FIRE
PZOO Peh.Zod.Oh.Oh 'Here Parts Become Being' Earth of FIRE
ZOOP Zod.Oh.Oh.Peh 'Divided Being Becomes Here' Earth of FIRE
RGAN Reh.Gah.Ehn 'Motivation Not Renewing Within' Earth of FIRE
GANR Gah.Ehn.Reh 'Nothing Begins Self's Change' Earth of FIRE
ANRG Ah.Ehn.Reh.Geh 'New Self Changes Nothing' Earth of FIRE
NRGA Ehn.Reh.Gah 'Self Motivation Not Renewed' Earth of FIRE
ABMO Ah.Beh.Moh 'New Choices Knowledge Becoming' Earth of AIR
BMOA Beh.Moh.Ah 'Choices Awareness Becoming Renewed' Earth of AIR
MOAB Moh.Ah.Beh 'Knowledge Becomes New Choices' Earth of AIR
OABM Oh.Ah.Beh.Ehm 'Being's New Choices Known' Earth of AIR
NACO Ehn.Ah.Koh 'Self Beginning to Create Existence' Earth of AIR
ACON Ah.Koh.Ehn 'Beginning Creation Becoming Self' Earth of AIR
CONA Koh.Ehn.Ah 'Creating Being's Self Renewal' Earth of AIR
ONAC Oh.Ehn.Ah.Keh 'Being's Self Renewal Created' Earth of AIR
OCNM Oh.Keh.Ehn.Ehm 'Being Creating Self Awareness' Earth of AIR
CNMO Keh.Ehn.Ehm.Oh 'Created Self Awareness Becoming' Earth of AIR
NMOC Ehn.Ehm.Oh.Keh 'Self Awareness Becoming Created' Earth of AIR
MOCN Ehm.Oh.Keh.Ehn 'Knowledge Becomes Created Self' Earth of AIR
SHAL Ess.Hah.El 'Gathering Breath Again First' Earth of AIR
HALS Hah.El.Ess 'Breath Again First Gathering' Earth of AIR
ALSH Ah.El.Ess.Heh 'Again One Gathered Breath' Earth of AIR
LSHA El.Ess.Hah 'First Gathered Breath Renewed' Earth of AIR
PACO Pah.Koh 'Here Renewing Created Being' Earth of WATER
ACOP Ah.Koh.Peh 'Renew Created Being Here' Earth of WATER
COPA Koh.Pah 'Created Being Here Again' Earth of WATER
OPAC Oh.Pah.Keh 'Being Here Again Created' Earth of WATER
NDZN Ehn.Deh.Zoh.Ehn 'Self Potential Divided Within' Earth of WATER
DZNN Deh.Zod.Ehn.Ehn 'Potential Divided Within Self' Earth of WATER
ZNND Zod.Ehn.Ehn.Deh 'Parts of Self's Inner Potential' Earth of WATER
NNDZ Ehn.Ehn.Deh.Zod 'Inner Self Potential Divided' Earth of WATER
IIPO Ee.Ee.Poh 'Enabling Ability Here to Become' Earth of WATER
IPOI Ee.Poh.Ee 'Ability Here Becoming Enabled' Earth of WATER
POII Poh.Ee.Ee 'Here Becoming Enabled Ability' Earth of WATER
OIIP Oh.Ee.Ee.Peh 'Existing Ability Enabled Here' Earth of WATER
XRNH Etz.Reh.Ehn.Heh 'Limiting Change of Self's Life' Earth of WATER
RNHX Reh.Ehn.Heh.Etz 'Change Within Life Limited' Earth of WATER
NHXR Ehn.Heh.Etz.Reh 'Self's Life Limiting Change' Earth of WATER
HXRN Heh.Etz.Reh.Ehn 'Life Limits Change Within' Earth of WATER
OPNA Oh.Peh.Ehn.Ah 'Being Here Self Renewed' Earth of EARTH
PNAO Peh.Ehn.Ah.Oh 'Here Self Renewal Becomes' Earth of EARTH
NAOP Ehn.Ah.Oh.Peh 'Self Renewal Becoming Here' Earth of EARTH
AOPN Ah.Oh.Peh.Ehn 'Renewal Being Here Within' Earth of EARTH
DOOP Doh.Oh.Peh 'Potential's Existence Becoming Set' Earth of EARTH
OOPD Oh.Oh.Peh.Deh 'Becoming Being's Set Potential' Earth of EARTH
OPDO Oh.Peh.Doh 'Becoming Set Potential's Being' Earth of EARTH
PDOO Peh.Doh.Oh 'Here Potential's Existence Becomes' Earth of EARTH
RXAO Reh.Etz.Ah.Oh 'Motion Limits Beginning's Becoming' Earth of EARTH
XAOR Etz.Ah.Oh.Reh 'Limitation Renews Being's Motion' Earth of EARTH
AORX Ah.Oh.Reh.Etz 'Renewed Being Changes Limitations' Earth of EARTH
ORXA Oh.Reh.Etz.Ah 'Being Motivated Limits Renewal' Earth of EARTH
AXIR Ah.Etz.Ee.Reh 'New Limits Enable Change' Earth of EARTH
XIRA Etz.Ee.Rah 'Limits Enable Change's Beginning' Earth of EARTH
IRAX Ee.Rah.Etz 'Enabled Change Renews Limitations' Earth of EARTH
RAXI Rah.Etz.Ee 'Change Again Limits Energy' Earth of EARTH