ORoot of Being-Becoming: being, becoming; existence
LRoot of Primacy: first, primary, one; providence
SRoot of Possession: have, acquire, gather; together
NRoot of Interiority: within, inside, self-hood
FRoot of Manifestation: manifest, show, appear
VRoot of Darkness: dark, hidden (therefore, unknown); reflection
RRoot of Movement: move, motion, emotion, motivate, change
GRoot of Negation: not, none, nothing, nor
HRoot of Breath: breath, life
IRoot of Energy/Enablement: energize, enable, ability
ARoot of Time: begin, beginning; new, anew; again, then, when
DRoot of Possibility: possible, potential
BRoot of Choice: duality, multiplicity, choose (between)
TRoot of Balance: balance, justice, adjust, judge, equilibriate
CRoot of Causation: make, cause, create, because (of)
ZRoot of Division: divide, separate, other (than), part(s) of
PRoot of Establishment: space, place, put, set; here, there, where
MRoot of Knowledge: mind, know, awareness, knowledge
QRoot of Desire: desire, love
ERoot of Will: will, intend, purpose, intention
URoot of Light: light, enlightenment
XRoot of Limitation/Decrease: limit, lessen, lower, slower
YRoot of Increase: grow, increase, more, faster

Source: Patricia Shaffer's Angelic Letter Essences (http://www.madimi.com/enochale.htm#intro)