Heavy Metal Cleanse

Heavy metals are absorbed by the body through the foods we eat, fluids we drink and through contact with the skin.  Dental fillings that contain Mercury are another source of heavy metal poisoning, as are deodorants that contain Aluminum.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning can include headaches, bone aches, memory loss, as well as skin and nail discoloration.

If you have the older fillings that contain Mercury, you will need to see a dentist to get the newer ones that do not contain this toxic metal.  The most powerful method of purification for this cleanse is sweating.  A Dry sauna can be used, for about 20 minutes a day to accomplish this.  This is just one way to produce the necessary amount of sweating for this cleanse however.  Since dehydration and loss of electrolytes can occur through excessive sweating, you will want to make sure you are drinking plenty of filtered water, grape juice, prune juice and vegetable juices.  Supplements that can aid in the detoxification process are Chlorella, Cilantro and Milk Thistle.