This is a very advanced System of Magick!  Before attempting to work with these spirits, it is highly recommended that you have worked through my Hermetic Magick Course or have attained a similar working knowledge of the Occult.  This is not intended to frighten you or discourage you from working with this system. Rather, the ability to utilize this system depends on your having acquired several other skills, such as Clairvoyance, Basic Spirit Evocation, Astral Projection or working in the Spirit Vision, etc.

Like my approach to the Goetia, I do not seek to subjugate the spirits, nor do I recommend this approach. Instead, they should be called, one at a time, with respect.  It is possible to request Familliars from each of them, as the original system recommends.  If you choose to do this, the spirits you are given must be cared for:  Call them to mind each day, using their names, spending a short amount of time with each of them.  They, in turn, will help you by doing whatever you ask of them, within the nature of their powers.

Each Familliar Spirit has the same powers as the spirit that granted their aid to you.