Step One

Once you have found the spell you wish to use from the following seals and descriptions, make a copy of the seal on fresh, clean paper with black ink.  You make the seal as large or small as you wish.  Keep it in a safe place until you are ready to use it, and never, under any circumstances, let another person look at it, before or after you use it.  It is for your eyes only.

Step Two

Choose a quiet evening and a place where you will not be disturbed for your ritual.  The best time is about three in the morning, when distractions (both natural and psychic) are at their lowest intensity.  Have your seal ready in front of you.  Light two white candles and place them at either side of the seal on a table or desk.  If you care to,

light a stick of incense.  Pine, Sandalwood or Cedar is best.  The Moon should be waxing, but in cases of emergency this is not necessary.  In that case, any time will do.  When this has all been arranged, sit quietly for a

few minutes and think about the goal you want to achieve.

Step Three

While looking intently at the seal you have made, so that it is the only thing you can see, take three deep breaths, slowly, one at a time.  Concentrate on the goal at the same time, seeing it as a picture if possible.  A picture of yourself sitting in a pile of cash, or with your arms around a loved one, or withing a protective circle.  Then, slowly raise your eyes, without lifting your head, to the heavens and say, slowly and clearly:

ZI KIA KANPA (Zee-Kee-Ya-Kan-Pa)

ZI ANNA KANPA (Zee-An-Na-Kan-Pa)

ZI DINGIR KIA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-Kee-Ya-Kan-Pa)

ZI DINGIR ANNA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-An-Na-Kan-Pa)

Hear me, O Thou_________________ (here insert the Name of the Spirit you are invoking)

Come to Me by the Powers of the Word_________________ 

(here insert the word of the Spirit you are invoking)

And answer my urgent prayer!



Step Four

Then slowly lower your eyes back to the seal in front of you and stare intently at the drawing, at the same time forming a clear mental image of the end you are trying to achieve.  Do not pay any attention to any strange or eerie feelings you may experience at this point.  They are common with this type of ritual and are no cause for alarm.  It is important that you do not break concentration for any purpose whatsoever, so ignore the odd sounds and sensations that might accompany the performance of any of these rituals.  They are simply the

weak attempts of some psychic entities trying to disrupt your ritual.  They are not worthy of your attention.

Step Five

When you have passed a few moments this way, and you feel your concentration beginning to wane, then close the ritual with the following prayer:

ZI DINGIR KIA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-Kee-Ya-Kan-Pa)

ZI DINGIR ANNA KANPA (Zee-Deen-Geer-An-Na-Kan-Pa)

Spirit of the Earth, Remember!

Spirit of the Sky, Remember!

Take three more deep breaths, then stand up (if you have been sitting), and walk a few steps around the room looking at all the objects that might be there: furniture, pictures, etc. and touch a few of these objects.  This serves two purposes, one: it helps to solidify your astral body if the preceding ritual has caused it to become overly

sensitive to passing vibrations, making it weak and vulnerable, and two: it distracts the conscious mind from the basically unconscious process that the ritual has just begun. Now, return to the table on which your seal has been placed.

Step Six

Take the seal you have just made and cover it, or turn it over, or put it away somewhere where no one will see it. The seal has been charged, in a subtle way, and now can no longer be used for any other purpose except what it was consecrated to do in your ritual.  You must not use the same seal twice for different goals, although you may use it twice for the same goal, in case you wish to repeat your ritual the following night.  It is best not to repeat it for more than three consecutive nights for reasons it would be too complicated to explain here.  Extinguish the candles and place them where you will find them easily for your next ritual.  Once used in a ritual from

the NECRONOMICON, they can be used for no other purpose save a similar ritual from the NECRONOMICON.  Do not use these candles for other rituals (that is, from other spellbooks) or for any mundane purpose.  You must take these rituals quite seriously, and treat the tools you use in a ritual with the same respect a carpenter has for his saw and hammer, or a plumber for his wrench or a priest for his Bible. In a

way, by using these rituals, you have become a kind of priest or priestess yourself for you have joined a select order of initiates that has been practicing these and similar mystical rituals since the beginning of recorded history.

Step Seven 

Record your experiences in your Ritual Diary.

BEFORE YOU go straight to the Names, a few words of information.  According to Sumerian mythology, Marduk was the God who defeated the Ancient Ones long before the creation of matter as we know it.  Against

him in battle were the fierce TIAMAT, KINGU, and AZAG-THOTH.  Once he had destroyed these demons, he created the universe from the flesh of TIAMAT, and humanity from the blood of KINGU mixed with his own breath.

You will come across these names in the description of the Fifty Names, which were titles given to Marduk by the Elder Gods after he had helped them to defeat the Ancient Ones.  This is nothing less than the Biblical

story of the Fall from Paradise; and, in fact, it was recorded by the Sumerians even before there was a Jewish religion, as the Sumerians were the first civilization in the Middle East and their holy books and legends became the basis for much that we read in the Old Testament. The Tower of Babel, for instance, is very probably the Ziggurat (or temple) of Babylon. which was originally a Sumerian city before it was captured by the Assyrian hordes.  Several of the Names do not have Words.  In that case, simply leave out that part of the Invocation.