The Enochian Key to the Aethyrs

 (Phonetic Pronunciation) Deh.ess Pah.rah.eff [name of the Aethyr you seek] Bah.el.zodee.zod.rah.ess Mah.dehEe.ah.oh.deh 

Beh.lee.oh.reh.behSoh.bah Oh.oh.ah.oh.nah Luh.kee.eff.tee.ah.ess 

Peh.ree.peh.soh.elDeh.ess Ah.beh.rah.ah.ess.sah Noh.neh.keh.eff

Kah.oh.ess.gee Oh.deh Tee.el.beh Ah.deh.peh.ah.teh Dah.meh.peh.loh.zod

Toh.oh.ah.teh Noh.neh.keh.eff Geh.mee.kah.el.zod.oh.mah Leh.rah.ess.deh 

Toh.eff.geh.loh Oh.deh Toh.reh.zod.uh.el.peh 

Ee.ah.oh.dah.effGoh.oh.elKah.oh.ess.gah Tah.bah.oh.reh.deh Sah.ah.nee.reh Oh.deh

 Keh.ree.ess.teh.oh.ess Tee.oh.beh.elBuh.ess.dee.rah Tee.el.beh Oh.reh.seh.bah Oh.deh Doh.dar.meh.nee Zodee.el.nah

El.zod.ah.peh Tee.el.beh Pah.reh.em Gee Oh.deh Ta 

Quh.reh.el.ess.teh Boh.oh.ah.pee.essLeh.nee.beh.em Oh.veh.keh.oh See.em.peh

Oh.deh Ah.geh Toh.el.toh.reh.neh Qu Tee.oh.beh.el 

Leh.elToh.neh Pah.oh.meh.beh.deh Dee.el.zod.mohAh.ess Pee.anOh.deh 

Keh.ree.ess.teh.oh.ess Ah.geh El Toh.reh.toh.reh.neh Pah.rah.keh Ah See.em.peh

Koh.reh.deh.zodee.zod Doh.deh.pah.el Oh.deh El.ess.meh.nah.deh,

 Oh.deh Bah.em.ess Oh.mah.oh.ah.ess:

Koh.nee.ess.beh.rah Oh.deh Toh.nuh.geh:

Oh.reh.ess.kah.teh.beh.el Noh.ah.ess.mee Tah.beh.geh.ess Oh.em.peh Tee.el.beh Oh.reh.ess. Bah.geh.leh? Moh.oh.oh.ah Oh.el 

Koh.reh.deh.zodee.zod. El Kah.pee.mah.oh Oh.deh 

Kah.koh.kah.ess.beh Goh.ess.ah.ah:

Bah.geh.leh.neh Tee.ah.neh.tah Ah Bah.bah.el.oh.neh.dehOh.deh 

Eff.ah.oh.reh.geh.teh Teh.el.oh.keh Voh Toh.reh.zod.uh: Oh.roh.keh.ah Ah.boh.ah.peh.reeTah.bah.oh.ree Peh.ree.ah.zod


Ah.deh.reh.pah.neh Doh.bee.tzEe.oh.el.Kah.meh Peh.ree.ah.zodee 

Ah.reh.koh.ah.zodee.oh.rahOh.deh Quh.ah.ess.beh Sah.gah.koh.rahVeh.em.el Oh.deh 

Kah.keh.reh.geh Koh.reh.em.peh.tehToh.reh.zod.uh

Zod.ah.kah.arOh.deh Zah.em.rah.neh Ah.ess.peh.teh Buh.teh.moh.nah,

Deh.ess Suh.rah.zod.ah.ess Tee.ah Bah.el.tah.neh. Oh.deh.oh Kee.keh.leh Qu.ah.ah:

Oh.deh Oh.zod.ah.zod.mah Ee.ah.deh.nah.mah.deh!


The Enochian Key to the Aethyrs English Translation:


O you heavens which dwell in the name of the Aethyr you seek ]Air, are mighty in the parts of the Earth, and execute the Judgement of the Highest! To you it is said, Behold the face of your God, the beginning of comfort, whose eyes are the brightness of the heavens: which provided you for the government of the Earth and her unspeakable variety, furnishing you with a power understanding to dispose all things according to the providence of Him that sits on the Holy Throne, and rose up in the beginning saying: the Earth let her be governed by her parts and let there be division in her, that the glory of her may by always drunken and vexed in itself. Her course, let it run with the heavens, and as a handmaid let her serve them. One season let it confound another, and let there be no creature upon or within her the same: all her members let them differ in their qualities, and let there be no one creature equal with another: the reasonable Creatures of the Earth let them vex and weed out one another, and the dwelling places let them forget their names: the work of man, and his pomp, let them be defaced: his buildings let them become caves for the beasts of the field. Confound her understanding with darkness. For why? I regret that I made Man. One while let her be known and another while a stranger:
because she is the bed of a Harlot, and the dwelling place of Him that is fallen. O you heavens arise: the lower heavens underneath you, let them serve you! Govern those that govern:
cast down such as fall! Bring forth with those that increase, and destroy the rotten! No place let it remain in one number: add and diminish until the stars be numbered! Arise, Move, and Appear before the Covenant of his mouth, which he has sworn unto us in his Justice. Open the Mysteries of your Creation: and make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge.


Invokes the Enochian Aethyrs and the spirits thereof