89. Now plainly I speak, for I have seen both; unfaithful is man to

maid; we speak them fairest when thoughts are falsest and deception

the wisest of hearts.

Men, generally, are not completely honest with women and will usually

deceive them to get what they want.  However, this can also be said of

some women.  Always consider the context of things stated in a

conversation.  What does the speaker really want?

90. He should speak soft words and offer wealth who longs for a

woman's love, praise the shape of the shining maid -- he wins who

thus doth woo.

Financial stability, kindness and compliments are the best things to attract

women with.  This can be said of both sexes.

91. -- Never a bit should one blame another whom love hath brought

into bonds: often a witching form will fetch the wise which holds not

the heart of fools.

Don’t cast shame on others for falling in love.  It even happens to the


92. Never a bit should one blame another for a folly which many

befalls; the might of love makes sons of men into fools who once were


Love can make anyone act foolishly, regardless of how wise they are.

93. The mind knows alone what is nearest the heart and sees where

the soul is turned: no sickness seems to the wise so sore as in naught to

know content.

Evaluate your feelings about your relationship to determine if you are

happy with it, because it is no fun being in a relationship if you are not

truly happy.