To care for my teeth, I brush and floss regularly. However, I avoid any toothpaste that contains Fluoride. Instead, and in most cases, I simply make my own.
If you are interested in making the toothpaste that I use:
I've made my own toothpaste using Baking Soda (not Arm and Hammer or any kind that contains Mercury), Sea Salt and Hydrogen Peroxide. From what I've read (and the way I did this), you are supposed to use "Food Grade" Hydrogen Peroxide and dilute it. You want the Food Grade kind to be reduced to 3%. I used this formula for a long time with very good results.
While I have used it the standard 3% regular Hydrogen Peroxide, I advise against doing so because there are hazardous materials that are permitted to be added to this version that are not good for humans. During the short time I did this, I experienced bleeding gums, among other problems. Everything cleared up once I started using the proper (Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, reduced to 3% Concentration).
Today, I usually just brush my teeth with Baking Soda. I've had equally good results with this, and it is much easier for me.
I have done this for several years now and my teeth are in better shape than they ever were when I was using the commercial toothpastes.
I do have a few fillings from problems I had with my teeth prior to beginning use of this toothpaste formula. However, none of them are Metal. All my fillings are Porcelain. I've never had any new problems since I began using this toothpaste.
In fact, since I started using this toothpaste formula and every other system on this website, I've had absolutely no tooth pain. This is my own experience, nothing more.
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