This ritual invokes the powers of the Three Rays for Practical Magick.

1. Raise the arms above the head, taking in a deep breath.  As you lower your arms, intone the      vowel "I" (pronounced “EEEEEEEEEE”).  Make sure that your breath ends just as your          arms hit your side.

2. Repeat the first step, except intone "A" (pronounced “AHHHHHHHHH”), as you lower            your arms.

3. Again, repeat the first step again, but intone "O" (pronounced “OHHHHHHHHH").

4. Finally, repeat first step, but intone all three sounds (I, A, O) together into one continuous        sound and breath.  

5. Try to take in just enough breath as needed to lower your arms and end just as your arms          reach your sides.

In addition to being performed as part of some of the rituals of Pheryllt Druidism, a variation of this ritual is performed as part of several rituals within both our Order, and the rituals of other Hermetic Orders, like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, upon which our rituals are based.