Preseli Bluestone is a special type of stone that is only found in one part of the world.  Despite it’s name, it only looks truly blue when wet.  It is highly responsive to sound. Additionally, it picks up an amazing charge when in direct sunlight, but releases that energy as needed to compensate for loss of personal energy.

Some people, in the beginning of their metaphysical training, find themselves expending a great deal of their personal life force when doing practical magick.  Thus, they feel drained. Preseli Bluestone helps counter this.

The physical effects focus on speedy sense of re-alignment and centering.  Where the energy builds up quickly and has no means of expression, it tends to create a sensation of heaviness or even anxiety in the solar plexus region.  Where the energy flows freely the stone creates a warming, energizing, uplifting experience.

The focus within the chakra system is at the Root, Brow and Throat chakras.

Emotionally, Preseli Bluestone uncovers and clears stress by placing experiences within a broader, more trans-personal or cosmic perspective.

The mind becomes steady and focused.  The ability to draw things together, focusing Intention and Willpower, becomes increased.  At finer levels Preseli Bluestone makes firm and rapid links to the flow of time, both in terms of past lives and other lives in the future.  Its Grounding qualities powerfully support the release of patterns long-held that need to be understood or changed.  Again formal sound and gesture, such as Mudras and Chant, are suggested as effective release mechanisms.  People perceived intuitively that sound activates the healing properties of Preseli Bluestone and that its function at Stonehenge was related to this.

Preseli Bluestone has a natural link to deep Earth Energies, Fire and Geomantic Forces as well as to the descent of stellar\spiritual energies onto and into the Earth.  

Preseli Bluestone was found to be a profound meditation stone presenting powerful imagery and intriguing insights.  Almost a multi-dimensional mirror or a means to shift time and space. It's inherent battery-transmitter-focusing properties combined with the chalk on Salisbury Plain made it a vital ingredient at Stonehenge.

Suggested applications:

PHYSICAL:  Stabilizing, Purifying, Grounding.  It can also help clear up underlying or                                 chronic imbalances.

EMOTIONAL + MENTAL:    Ability to discern and clear outmoded patterns of behavior

SPIRITUAL: Empowers Speech/Spell/Chant and Strengthens Visions

Specific Information for Women:

"In my experience the Bluestone creates a lot of 'flow' and certainly if someone had menstrual cramps the initial effect would be aggravation, but that should ease if use is continued."

-- Sue Lilly, Green Man Essences.

If you are interested in making use of Preseli Bluestone, it can be ordered online through a website: or