Ritual of the Middle Pillar

Activates and Balances the invoked forces within your Sphere of Sensation or Aura.  

1.  Stand with your hands at your sides, eyes closed, steady relaxed breathing and your mind calm       and still.

2.  Just above your head, visualize a sphere of clear light.  Know that this sphere embodies the           source of all potential.  Vibrate the God name Eheieh (Eh-Heh-Yeh) three or four times.                 There sphere should begin to feel stronger.

3.  Now visualize a slender beam of light descending from the brilliance through the center of             your head, and stopping at the nape of your neck.  Here the beam widens into a ball of light,           although not as big as the one above.  At this point you should be visualizing simultaneously         the brilliant sphere above your head, the small ball of light at the base of your neck, and the           beam of light connecting the two.  Know that this is the link between your human                           consciousness and your higher self, and the ball of light at your neck should grow in size and         intensity.  Vibrate the God name YHVH Elohim (Yah-Veh Eh-Loh-Heem) three or four times.

4.  Keeping the above in mind, cause a beam of light to descend from the ball of light at your             neck, go down your torso, and light up the breast\heart in the form of a sphere.  Understand           that this is your consciousness, and the ball should increase in brightness and intensity.  You           may feel as if you are being warmed by an internal sun.  Vibrate the God name                               YHVH Eloah Ve Daath (Yah-Veh Ehl-oh-ah Veh-Dah-aht) three or four times.

5.  In the same manner, see the light descend to the area of the genitals and form a sphere.  Here,         regard yourself as master of your "lower self".  The Divine name to be vibrated three or four         times here is Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye Ehl Chai).  The “ch” should be like in the Scottish         word “Loch”, while the word “Chai” rhymes with “eye”.

6.  Again the ball of light should descend, here to form a sphere which encompasses both feet and       the ground; that is, the sphere should be half above ground, covering the feet, and half below         the ground, under the feet.  The God name to be vibrated three or four times is                                 Adonai Ha-Aretz (Ah-doh-nye Heh Ahr-etz).

7.  At this point there should be large spheres of light above the head, at the throat, at the solar             plexus, at the groin and at the feet.  Each sphere of light should be connected with the sphere         above and below by a beam of light.

8.  Stay in this state for as long as you desire.  Then. take a deep breath, and as you exhale,                 visualize the images fading and becoming invisible.  They are still there, but they can not now       be seen.  This completes the Middle Pillar Ritual.


Eheieh means, 'I Am'.  It is part of the name Moses received at the Burning Bush.  This is Consciousness/Mind of God.  YHVH Elohim is the name of god associated with Binah, your personal Temple.  It means, 'He that is Gods'.  It is the force that redeems the consciousness\psyche from pure animalism.  YHVH Eloah V'Daath is, 'YHVH (meaning 'He that Is') Goddess of Knowledge'.  This name symbolizes God as bringer of Enlightenment. Shaddai El Chai is, 'Almighty Living God' and symbolizes God as the Creator of Life and all living things and beings.  Adonai Ha-Aretz means, 'Lord of the Earth' and symbolizes God as ruler of the Earth and the physical universe.