There are said to be four elks feeding on Yggdrasil.  The Algiz rune is said to symbolize their antlers.  Like the Gnostic LBRP, this ritual purifies the consciousness of corruption and balances the psyche.  It can be performed before using the runes for Practical Magick, to clear the area of unwanted influences.  Algiz is a rune signifying Protection and Spiritual Purification.  Madr is the rune signifying the integration of Spirit and Matter.  Thus, the ritual purifies and strengthens the aura, while aiding the individual to become more enlightened.  Heimdal is said to guard the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.  Thor personifies steadfast loyalty.  He is credited with slaying giants which personify negative forces within the psyche, as well as within the environment of the individual.  Frigga is a goddess of the Home and all forms of Marriage.  The dwarves at the four directions personify each of those directions, respectively, and also rule the element associated with that direction.  This ritual is also an excellent defense against psychic attack as it turns any negative energy back on the senders.

1. Visualize a sphere of brilliant white light above your head.  Using your index finger and visualization, bring it down to the top of your head.

2. Say, YKKAR ASGARD (YKKAR is pronounced “Ick-Car” and means Thine\yours in Icelandic).

3. Point down to your Feet, while visualizing the light streaming down to this point, forming a sphere that encompasses your Feet.  Say, MIDGARD,

4. Point to your Right shoulder, visualizing the light flowing outwards to the ends of the universe.  Say, OG MUSPELLHEIM (OG means “and” in Icelandic),

5. Point to your Left shoulder, visualizing the light flowing outwards in that direction, to the ends of the universe.


6. Fold your hands over your heart. Visualize another ball of white light where your heart is.

    Say: AEFINLEGUR (Aefinlegur is pronounced “Eff-Finn-Lee-Gurr” and means eternal\forever in Icelandic).

7. Go to the East of your area and face east. Make a large Algiz Rune in electric blue flame.  Charge it with the name ODIN.  Draw a line of White Light from the rune, around the Circle, stopping in the South.

8. Facing South, Draw another large Algiz Rune in electric blue flame.  Charge it with the name ALVIS.  Carry the line of White Light to the West.

9. In the West, Facing West, Draw another electric blue Algiz Rune.  Charge it with the name DVALIN.  Carry the line of White Light to the North.

10. In the North, Draw another large, electric blue Algiz Rune.  Charge it with the name DAIN. Carry the line of White Light back to the East, which is where you started, completing the circle.

11. Through Visualization, expand the circle of white light above and below you, so that it forms a sphere of White Light.  In each direction, there should be a large electric blue Algiz Rune.  

12. Still facing East, Visualize a dwarf dressed in iron armor.  His eyes are red flame.  He carries a pick-ax in his hand.  Say, Before me, AUSTRI!

13. Behind you stands another dwarf.  He dresses in pale aquamarine blue, a herald's scabbard, and wears something similar to a WW1 helmet.  He has black hair and ice blue eyes.  He has a horn over his shoulder and a White wand.  Say, Behind me, VESTRI!

14. Visualize another dwarf to your right, which is the South.  He dresses in saffron yellow robes with green accents and wears a moss green hat low over his eyes.  He often has a tall walking stick in hand--the stick looks like it belongs to a human.  Say, On my Right hand, SUDHRI!

15. Visualize another dwarf to your left.  He dresses in black and VERY dark green clothes with gold accents all over them.  He also often wears a hat low over his eyes.  You often see him paging through a great big HUGE book with wooden covers and hinges.  

Say, On my Left hand, NORDHRI!

16. Put your hands out and raise them slightly, forming a large Algiz rune with your body. Visualize another Algiz rune encompassing your entire body.  Say, For About is Algiz,

17. Visualize an Electric Blue Madr Rune within you, right where your heart is.  It should be the same electric blue as the Algiz Runes.  Say, and within me is Madr!

18. Repeat steps 1-6.