

Bale-thorn represents selfishness; mother of Bestla

Bestla represents basic instincts (survival).  In other words, selfishness produces the survival instincts. 

See the Havamal



The Serpent, Ben-ammi, Ahuzzath


All of these symbolize Selfishness.


See Genesis, Chapter 3



Spiritual Selfishness corresponds to the “Pyramids of Dust” in the City of Pyramids.  This is the aethyr of VTA.

Hermes is the guide here and describes the residents as, "Those whose eyes are sealed up, and whose ears are stopped, and whose mouths are clenched, who are folded in upon themselves..."

See the Enochian Aethyr VTA


The purpose of this page is to show where the concept of selfishness, that is, the desire for the betterment of one’s self, can be found in each religion, metaphysical system and other areas of life.  It can also be carried to excess, which causes the individual to shut out all forms of spiritual development.  Be careful not to become consumed (also called, "being too self absorbed").