Spheres of Influence:             Protector of Children, Luck, Success and Opportunity in Business

Nation:                                   Petro

Colors:                                   Navy Blue and Blood Red


Symbols:                               Mother and Child 


Offerings:                              Reve D’oir or Florida Water Perfume, kleren, double-edged daggers

                                              Silver jewelry with red or blue stones, dolls, Black Pig


Other Associations:


            Catholic:                   Mater Salvatoris (a.k.a. Santa Barbara Africana)


            Kabala:                     Sphere of Geburah; Elohim Gibor

            Should you need anything specific from Danto, you should place her offerings on                                       your altar, taking into account everything listed here: Your altar should be Red and                                       Blue (altar cloths are good for this). Petition Legba-nan-Petro, then Danto. Present

            each of the offerings to her, by showing them to each of the four directions\quarters,                                   dedicating them to\for Danto. Now, either write your request on a piece of clean,                                         blue and red paper, or simply pray to Danto, asking her for what you need from                                           her. This part can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish to make it, as long as the                                     basic symbolism is adhered to. Thank Danto for her assistance. Allow any candles                                       in the Food offerings to burn down. While you are waiting, you can meditate, do                                         Divination, etc.


Traditional Erzulie Dantor Veve, public domain

You can find more information about Ezili Danto here: http://www.ezilikonnen.com/lwa-voodoo-spirits/ezili-danto/