Legba is petitioned first in nearly all Vodou ceremonies, because it is he who controls and guards the gates between the spirit world and the physical one. Out of respect for his station, he is addressed as, "Papa Legba".



Spheres of Influence:              Spirit of rituals, keeper of the gates, guardian of the crossroads

                                                He can open doors (bring greater opportunities), remove obstacles, etc.

Nation:                                   Rada

Colors:                                   Red, White


Symbols:                                Cross, keys, walking stick, crutches, mirrors


Offerings:                               Grilled Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Peanuts, Peppers, Sweets, Breads and  

                                               Plantains. Bones, a small bag containing Kleren, Tobacco, and a pipe hung
                                               in a tree or doorway.


Favored Trees:                      Calabash


Other Associations:


            Catholic:                     St. Peter, St. Anthony, St. Lazarus


            Greek:                        Janus, Hermes


            Kabala:                      Sphere of Tifferet; YHVH Eloah V'Daath


            Santeria:                    Ellegua

Invocation:                           "Papa Legba, open the gate for me,

                                             Open the gate for me, Papa   
                                             Legba, open the gate for me                                          
                                        that I may commune with the Loa, 
                                        When I am done, I will thank the Loa!"

                                             Should you need anything else specific from Legba, you should ask him,

                                             in your own words, in the form of a personal prayer, for what you seek.
