Pot Tete Ritual

This ritual is about Personal Empowerment through strengthening your relationship with you Met Tete.  The Met Tete, meaning "Master of the Head", is also called the Patron Loa.  In Vodou, this spirit is equivalent to what is called the Holy Guardian Angel in Western Ritual Magick.

Materials Needed: A small glass container (about 4 inches tall) that has a lid, 

                                A White Candle.

1. Add some of your own Hair, Nails and Blood (or alternatively, a picture of yourself) to the


2. Add things to the container that represent what you need in your life. Examples of this              include $1 for Money, a House for Shelter, etc. Once you are finished adding objects,              continue with the next step.

3. Placing the container (still open), on your Altar, light a small White Candle. As the candle        burns, visualize yourself enjoying your new life with the things symbolized by the objects      in the container.


4. Pray to your Patron Loa, asking Him or Her to work with you to bring these things into            your life.

5. When the candle has burned down entirely, add the remains of it to your container. Now          seal your container with its lid.