Zelator is Latin for, "Zealot" and signifies a person who is uncompromising in the pursuit of their ideas, whether religious, political or something else.

Self Initiation into the Zelator Degree consists of swearing an Oath to dedicate every Word, Thought and Deed to the Great Work of Spiritual Alchemy and Magick. The Zelator degree is reached once the individual begins actively working on their Spiritual Transformation, studying and practicing Magick. The student must learn about themselves, as they exist in the here and now. The individual must also overcome the obstacle of Inertia, which usually manifests as a lack of desire to practice. It is caused by the previous lack of work being done, before the individual started this path. If the individual continues to practice, they will overcome this effect and the same law will actually propel them onward on the path to Enlightenment.

In Hermeticism and Spiritual Alchemy, this degree corresponds to the first step in the Great Work, which is Calcination.

According to the Kabala, this degree equates with the sphere of Malkuth.

In the Egyptian Mystery Tradition, this degree equates with Tep Ta, a Master of the Earth.

The initiate should begin studying the Tree of Life, Chakra System and Tarot.

The practical techniques the initiate should learn here are how to control the spiritual element of Fire and start keeping a journal of all metaphysical work.

Also, start any personal purification work associated with your individual Path. In Our Tradition, some of these rituals include the Relaxation Ritual, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Ritual of the Personal Mosque, Ritual of the Guardian Elks and Ritual of the Arra Star.