Gaianism is a very broad and inclusive philosophy and emerging spirituality with various religious expressions. 

The term describes a philosophy and ethical worldview which implies a devotion to Planet Earth as a super-organism.  It is rooted in an intuitive knowledge of humanity's intrinsic connection with our Home World, the Earth, also known as Gaia.  Gaia was originally a primal Greek titan, symbolizing the Earth; All titans, gods, and monsters of Greek mythology originated from her and The primal Sky titan (whom were birthed from Chaos). Approaching our Home World as Gaia, a name derived from ancient Greek Polytheism, offers us a modern Earth-centered and mostly Pantheist spirituality based on a belief in the intrinsic personality of the Earth as a Living Organism that has passed through billions of years of Evolutionary expression.  The modern emergence of this Earth-centered philosophy stems out of the accepted Gaia Theory which conveys the science behind the Earth as an ancient, living and self-regulating system within systems.

Gaians are individuals who use the Gaia Theory of James Lovelock spiritually.  These people hold a strong belief that the Earth is, in its ancient legacy and self-regulating expression of life, an entity that we are defined through as a species of the planet.  It is a Gaian's endeavor to maintain a close relationship with the planet in order to strive toward world peace, maintain global homeostasis and find inner fulfillment.

Often referred to as Gaianism, or the Gaian Religion, this spiritual aspect of the philosophy is very broad and inclusive, making it adaptable to other religions: Humanism, Taoism, Neo-Paganism, Pantheism, Judeo-Christian Religions, and others.

The beliefs of Gaianism are fairly open-ended:

1. Honor the Earth, who is often approached as Gaia. (Gaia, sometimes spelled Gaea).  Gaia is a historically-

    rooted name which in its modern approach represents the interdependent "Web of Life" that includes all

    physical forms of existence from plants to humans; sometimes this is expanded to include stars and other

    planets, or the Universe itself.  Some Gaians say Gaia is Earth's authentic name as "She" is therefore

    personalized in order for us as humans to have a better relationship with Her.

2. Endeavor to Soften or Reduce the Human Impact on Gaia.  (Essentially, this means being mindful of one's

    actions and to be moderate with natural resources.  Environmentalism and Environmental Education is strongly


3. Be Respectful of Life in All Its Forms.  (Be respectful and courteous not only of human life, but also animal and     to an extent plant life.  Many Gaians often become vegetarians and vegans, however this is not a requirement.)

More religious aspects of Gaianism (such as the nature of the Divine, afterlife, etc.) are left up to the individual's personal belief system, however there is a general consensus on the preservation of consciousness following the death of a body.  This preservation applies to all life forms and not just the human condition.  Gaianism is simply a spiritual philosophy given in an effort to understand the unity of the universe that binds us all and encourage environmental awareness.