This ritual attunes the individual to the Sun, Elements and the Divine, Active Force of Nature.

1. At Dawn (or when wake up in the morning), face East.  

    Give the Sign of the Enterer, then give the Sign of Fire.  The Sign of Fire is made by                  bringing your hands just above your head: Your hands should be flat with the thumbs                meeting at the center of your head, with your fingers and palms facing outward (They              should make an upward pointing triangle). Say, in a loud voice:

    ”Hail unto Thee who art Kepheri in Thy rising.  Even unto Thee who art Kepheri in            thy Strength, who entereth the Heavens in thy barque at the Uprising of the Sun.              Tahuti standeth in His splendor at the prow, and Re-Hoor abideth at the helm.  Hail          unto Thee from the Abode of Night!

    Give the Sign of Silence.  This is done by raising your left index finger to your lips, as if            telling someone to be quiet.  Stomp your Left foot.

2. At Noon, face South.  Give the Sign of the Enterer, then give the Sign of Air.                            The Sign of Air is made like the Sign of Fire, but bend your index fingers from both hands,      so they form a line across the Triangle made by your hands.  Say, in a loud voice:

    ”Hail unto Thee who art Ra in thy triumphing.  Even unto Thee who art Ra in thy              Beauty, who travellest over the Heavens in thy barque at the Mid-course of the Sun.        Tahuti standeth in His splendor at the prow, and Re-Hoor abideth at the helm.  Hail        unto Thee from the Abode of Morning!

    Give the Sign of Silence.

3. At Dusk (or Sunset), face West.  Give the Sign of the Enterer, then give the Sign of Water.        This is made like the Sign of Fire, but invert the Triangle made by your hands, and place it        over (or just above) your genitals.  Say, in a loud voice:

    ”Hail unto Thee who art Tem in thy setting.  Even unto Thee who art Tem in thy Joy,          who entereth the Underworld in thy barque at the down-going of the Sun.  Tahuti            standeth in His splendor at the prow, and Re-Hoor abideth at the helm.  Hail unto            Thee from the Abode of Day!

    Give the Sign of Silence.

4.  At Midnight (or before you go to bed), face North.  

     Give the Sign of the Enterer, then give the Sign of Earth.  This is made like the                           Sign of Air, but invert the Triangle and place it over (or just above) your genitals, in the               same place you made the Sign of Water earlier today.  In a loud voice, Say:

    “Hail unto Thee who art Amun Ra in thy hiding.  Even unto Thee who art                            Amun Ra in thy Silence.  Who travellest through the Underworld in thy barque at            the Midnight Hour of the Sun.  Tehuti standeth in His splendor at the prow, and Ra-        Hoor abideth at the helm.  Hail unto Thee from the Abode of the Evening!

      Give the Sign of Silence.