One Mind: This is Consciousness itself.

see the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus


NEMO: The word NEMO breaks down in Gemantria to mean "a treasure" and "divine government" and "to reign" and "stability through change."  NEMO is the title of the angel here whose task it is to tend the garden. Because it is a title, NEMO is therefore not only a person but a magical grade in the Great White Brotherhood. 

A NEMO is also one who has had the knowledge and conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel (ZIP) and is now actively trying to help others do the same.  He asks for no reward, nor does he request any payment.  His goal is to grow and cultivate another NEMO; therefor he tends the garden (a symbol of Earth) without trying to single out any special plant (candidate).  For more information, please visit http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/at/aethyr_zim.shtm.

CHRISTIAN\JEWISH\CATHOLIC, ETC. (Bible based religions)

YHVH Elohim, YHVH, I AM, I AM THAT I AM, Eheieh Asher Ehieh, Lord YHVH, Lord of the Universe:

These are names for Consciousness itself in it's purest state.

For more information concerning this, please read the Bible beginning with the Book of Genesis.

In most other versions of the bible, these names are most frequently translated as "LORD".  However, the accuracy of these names of God can be verified simply by looking up the passages that contain them in any readily available Hebrew-English Interlinear bible like the one that can be found here: http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0.htm

Adam, Abraham, Jacob\Israel, Yeshua the Messiah (usually written as 'Jesus Christ'): 

All of these people mentioned in the bible also personify this same state of Consciousness symbolized by the names of God given above.


Allah, God:  These are names for Consciousness itself in it's purest state.



Ymir; the combined forces of Odin, Villi, and Ve:

This is consciousness itself. Odin is Consciousness, Villi is the Will, and Ve is Memory.  For more information, please read the Elder Edda beginning with the Havamal.


Bondye; Loa:

Bondye means, "Good God". In Vodou, it is taught that Bondye cannot be directly communicated with by human beings.  However, the Loa are directly involved in human affairs and can be contacted and worked with.  The Loa are aspects of Bondye, the "Unknowable God".


Spirit or Akasha:

These are terms Wicca uses for the Divine or God.  Specific Wiccan traditions have other terms they use within their group, but they are the same thing.  God is Consciousness itself, common to all.  God is also the energy itself that is mentioned in the section on the soul.  That is why metaphysical traditions seek to reunite with the Divine. The soul is a part of the Divine, so those that perform this work are simply reuniting parts of God.

see Wiccan Book of Shadows


Ra personifies the God (the Divine Mind) as the Active Force in Nature.

See the section on Egyptian Magick.


Lucifer is a spirit of Venus, though he has also been described as a spirit of the Sun.  He equates to the human Mind and Soul.  He is the best and the worst in each of us.

BABYLONIAN & SUMERIAN (Necronomicon, Enuma Elish, etc.)

Marduk is the Bringer of Order and the Supreme God of Babylon.  As such, he is a personification of the One Mind or God.


Ahura Mazda:  He is the god of Life and personifies Light and Goodness in the World and People.  His name means, "Creator of Mind."


Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva:  These deities are the forces of Creation (Brahma), Preservation (Vishnu) and Destruction (Shiva).


Original Consciousness

See Havamal

The message of this page is a simple one:  You cannot condemn any of these paths without claiming that the names given here are not valid names for God.  Therefore, you cannot tell someone that they should convert from one religion to another without, by so doing, telling them that the religion to which you would convert them, according to your own beliefs, is also wrong.

Put simply:  Attempting to convert another person from his or her chosen religion to your religion is an act of Blasphemy against your own God, and against your own religion.  If you are engaging in this activity, you should be subject to whatever punishment your religion teaches is the penalty for this sin, in addition to legal penalties imposed by any society in which Freedom of Religion is considered a legal right.

If you believe that your sins are automatically forgiven forever, simply because you follow a certain religion, you are misinterpreting the original words concerning this teaching.  The proper interpretation is as follows:

Becoming a Spiritual (metaphysical) person, if the systems you choose to practice are followed properly, purifies your Soul, Mind, Body and Spirit of all transgressions over time, returning your mind to the pure state it was at the start of Creation and reuniting you with the Divine.  This is a return to innocence and only occurs in this manner.  This is what is meant by "sins being forgiven."  

People are never “saved” through the act of conversion itself.  In fact, since the first act of many Christian Churches is to convince their followers to stay away from all aspects of the Occult, especially Magick, it is a sad fact that such people usually only become more lost:  Giving up their own personal connection to "God", but embracing the group delusion that by doing so, "God" will then "save them".