ARNPronounced "Ah-Reh-Ehn".  According to the Enochian Letter Essences, this mantra means, "Renew Motivation Within (or of Self)".  It can also mean, "Begin Changing Self", referring to Spiritual Transformation.  It is both an Enochian Aethyr (in which the Soul and Consciousness are brought together, removing all spiritual and mental blocks in the processes) and a Cacodaemon that manifests both as a Transformative and Stabilizing Force.  This force may also be invoked for Healing purposes. 

ROR-OLAPPronounced "Roar Oh-El-Ah-Peh".  According to the Enochian Letter Essences, this mantra means, "Change Existing Motivation to Become Primary Renewal Here".  Imagine being filled with (or becoming) pure, divine, White Light as you chant this Mantra.  On a practical level, it invokes Spiritual Rejuvenation.  It may also be added to Solar Invocations for this purpose, and is a Solar Invocation in its own right.  More about this mantra can be found here.

TORPronounced "Toh-Reh".  According to the Enochian Letter Essences, this mantra means, "Balancing Existing Emotions".  It is both an Enochian Aethyr and a Cacodaemon that, when invoked, manifests as an emotionally balancing and calming force.