1. Doctrine of Separations:  This is the belief that in a mixed gender setting, the energies of opposite genders will interfere with one another.  I've worked in settings both of mixed and same gender when practicing Magick and have not found this to be true.  As such, this is not how Magick is taught within our Order.  More information about this can be found here.

2. Doctrine of Authority:  This is, first and foremost, a doctrine of Self-Mastery:  The individual must gain control over their Thoughts, Words and Actions.

3. Doctrine of Instruction:  Any information taught must be tailored to the individual student's level of understanding, expanding to more advanced information only when the student has a firm grasp of the information that preceded it.

4. Doctrine of Mnemonics:  Knowledge is best learned through practical experience, rather than simply being told to memorize large amounts of written information.

5. Doctrine of Imbalances:  This is a form of teaching in which greater emphasis is placed upon the things the student is having trouble understanding.  The idea is that by helping the student understand the information they are struggling with better, a greater overall understanding of the whole system may be achieved.  Today, this is one of the most effective ways to teach.

6. Doctrine of Mystery Schools:  This is the idea of concealing information from all but a select few.  I disagree with this approach, but I do understand why some choose to use it:  The idea is to enable students to focus more deeply on their studies, while protecting them from ridicule by the outside world.  While this is true, it also causes many issues for those that wish to make friends with "outsiders", but are in a position where they can reveal little to nothing of their activities or interests, due to secrecy oaths that are often a part of this approach.  As such, this is not the approach taken by Hermetic Order of the Round Table.  

    The only thing members are required to conceal is the names of other members.  It is also not advisable to discuss Practical Magick that is being performed before the results of such work have manifested, because doing so creates the possibility of others seeking to interfere with your work, both within and without the Order.

7. Doctrine of the Enlightened:  I understand this to mean making one's personal, spiritual development to be their first priority. 

8. Doctrine of the Spheres:  In Druidism, there are said to be three Circles (or Spheres) of Existence.  The first of these is called the Circle of Abred.  In English, it is called the 'Circle of Evolutions'.  This is the physical world. 

    The Second Sphere is called Gwynedd (Other sources say Gwynfydd).  In English, it is called the 'Circle of Felicity'.  It is described as a place, "Free of Evil, Desire and Death".  It is said to contain the "Akashic Records".  The goal of the individual here is to develop perfect Love, Peace and Knowledge.

    The Third Sphere is called Ceugant.  In English, it is called the 'Circle of Infinity'.  This is where all energies are united and can be experienced as such, by those that have reached this level of awareness.