The oracles of the Gods declare, that, through purifying ceremonies, not the soul only, but bodies themselves become worthy of receiving much assistance and health: "for (say they) the mortal vestment of bitter matter will, by this means, be preserved." And this, the Gods, in an exhortatory manner, announce to the most holy of Theurgists.

-- The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster.


Hermetic Order of the Round Table is a religious and educational organization, advocating a One World Religion, based upon the universal principles of Alchemy.  We call this religion Hermetic Unitarian Universalism.  




Our mission, while continuing our own individual journeys, is to promote the universal teachings contained within all religions.  We oppose all forms of Fundamentalism, Tyranny, Superstition, Discrimination and Oppression. 



We perform sacramental rituals and offer guidance and assistance to those who desire it.  We do this through correspondence courses, one on one counseling sessions and email.




This website is the knowledge base for our Order.  Both members and non-members are encouraged to read all information on a given topic of interest.  It contains all religious paths and practices that exist within our order. This continues to grow as our knowledge grows. 




Our metaphysical system offers its practitioners Personal Empowerment, teaches Psychic Self Defense and aids practitioners in the attainment of improved Health and greater Inner Peace.  It contains elements from all major religions, both Left and Right Hand Paths, as well as many forms of Alternative Medicine. Everyone is encouraged to study all aspects of our system, as they wish, and use whatever appeals to them.




We accept members from all walks of life, regardless of their Path.  Our members are united in their understanding that Universal Truths exist within all Religions.  Members have the ability to share knowledge and ideas with one another, as well as skills from their many diverse backgrounds for mutual benefit.