The First Rite, As one spins clockwise, awakens the chakras and stimulates the body's entire energy system. According to Lamas, Residual Negative Energy is removed from the body and the bridge between the Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain is strengthened.

Rite Two, with its practice of raising the head to the chest, stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra and the "conception vessel".

Rite Three opens the Heart Chakra and further opens the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Rite Four stimulates all the meridians and the energies going to and from the groin and down the legs.

Rite Five brings an immediate change in the energy currents of the body: This is the most powerful rite in terms of speeding up the chakras’ spinning. It makes one feel strong and invigorated and brings a happy glow to the face.

On the Morning of December 15, 2020, I moved my performance of the Five Tibetan Rites to my First Daily Ritual Routine, changing my daily practice, compared to the order of what I teach here. Today, the energy seems to "flow better" during all of my rituals. I'm contemplating making this a permanent change. If I do, I will update this website with the change at that time.

On December 21, 2020, I noticed that my elemental powers were no longer manifesting. I resumed the normal order of the three routines, and my powers returned to their proper functioning soon thereafter.