Greater Earth Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

This ritual closes the connection with Spirit and Banishes the Element of Earth.  It can also be used to remove Lethargy and Laziness.

Part I:  Kabalistic Cross

1.   Face East.  Perform the Kabalistic Cross (as in the LBRP). 

Part II:  Pentagrams and Sacred Names

2.   Using the Index Finger of your Right hand, make a White Closing Passive Spirit Pentagram: 

      Make the Sign of the Enterer, pointing to the Center of the Pentagram.  

      Vibrate AGLA (Ah.Glah). 

3.   Make the Sign of Silence.  

4.   Make a Black Banishing Pentagram of Earth: 

      Make the Sign of the Entererpointing to the Center of the Pentagram.  

      Vibrate ADONAI (Ah.Doh.Nye).

5.   Make the Sign of Silence.

6.   Still using your Index Finger, draw a line of White Light from the Center of the Pentagram, around        to the South, to where the Center of your next Pentagram will be. 

7.   Facing South, repeat steps 2 through 5. 

8.   Carry the line to the West, continuing the line of White Light

9.   Facing West, repeat steps 2 through 5

10.   Carry the line to the North, continuing the line of White Light. 

11.   Facing North, repeat steps 2 through 5

12.  Carry the line to the East, having made a full circle back to where you started. 

13.  Walking Clockwise, Return to the South of your Altar, facing North.

14.   Facing North, repeat steps 2 through 5.

Part III:  Kabalistic Cross Repeated

15.   Perform the Kabalistic Cross.