INRI signifies the Transformative Power of Divine Light, which comes from Above. In Spiritual Alchemy, the letters mean, “Igni Naturae Renavour Integra”. This means, “By Fire, Nature is Renewed in Integrity.” 

The first "I" and "N" is Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother: In this sense, "Mother", being the producer of seeds and fruit on the Earth when the Sun is therein. 

"R " is Scorpio. In the Egyptian Pantheon – the Transformation of Matter into Spirit 

The final "I" is Osiris Slain and Risen: Signifies the Sun in the Decrease of Force from the Autumnal, and his Increase of Force from the Vernal Equinox. These are the balanced forces of Nature. 


The Hebrew Letters, thus, signify Enlightenment (or Birth of Spiritual Consciousness), Purification through Spiritual Transformation and Rebirth as a Divine, Spiritually Enlightened Being.

L     The Sign of the Mourning of Isis: the Force of Light illumining at its greatest pitch.                                 Wherefore the space included between the hands is the "Semi Arc" of the Sun at the                              Summer Solstice, which she thus recalls as the affirmation of the Life Force of Osiris. 

V     The Sign of Typhon and Apophis: the space between the hands above the head will mark                        the diminished extent of the whole "Arc" of the Sun and his Winter Solstice, thus                                    representing the corresponding excess of the Darkness over the Light. 

X     The Sign of Osiris Risen: represents the variation between the utmost extent of the Light of the              Solstices and the Equinoxes, as thus affirming that the power of the governance of these Forces              may be found in the Self when depending on the higher illumination, as the New Name is found            from the initials of the others. 

The initials of Isis, Apophis and Osiris produce the name IAO, which is a Gnostic Name of the Divine Spirit (or God).

When looking at Geomantic figures, such those which compose the Circle of Hexagrams for this ritual, it is a good idea to see them as a recipe which fuses together to create a powerful effect. Drawing each of the Hexagrams in a Counterclockwise direction banishes their energy.

The Eastern Hexagram, Fortuna Minor, is attributed to denotes the Setting Sun and the Sign of Leo. It signifies the materialization of an Idea or Concept.

The Southern Hexagram, a form of Carcer, is attributed to Saturn and the Sign of Capricorn. It is used to fortify the mind. 

The Western Hexagram, Conjuctio, meaning conjunction or assembling, is assigned to the mutable Mercury and the Sign of Virgo. It draws things together rather than separate them. This is the Formative Power of the Imagination.

The Northern Hexagram, Carcer, meaning Bound or Prison, is attributed to Saturn and the Sign of Capricorn. It is used to bind the Circle, solidifying the energetic matrix.

Repeating the Analysis of the Key Word strengthens personal transformative power, within the Creative and Empowering Spiritual Foundation of the Circle of Hexagrams.

The purpose of this ritual is to cleanse the external environment, banishing all forces from it.