23 You shall offer these besides the burnt offering of the morning, which is for a continual burnt offering.


24 In the same way you shall offer daily, for seven days, the food of an offering by fire, a pleasing odor to YHVH; it shall be offered besides the continual burnt offering and its drink offering.


25 And on the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.


26 "On the day of the first fruits, when you offer a cereal offering of new grain to YHVH at your feast of weeks, you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work,


27 but offer a burnt offering, a pleasing odor to YHVH; two young bulls, one ram, seven male lambs a year old;


28 also their cereal offering of fine flour mixed with oil, three tenths of an ephah for each bull, two tenths for one ram,

29 a tenth for each of the seven lambs;


30 with one male goat, to make atonement for you.


31 Besides the continual burnt offering and its cereal offering, you shall offer them and their drink offering. See that they are without blemish.

Offerings represent transmutations. The animals relate to the animal passions and desires which must be transmuted; burned up; changed into elevated, spiritual emotions of the heart. Sacrifice, which we think of as the giving up of something, actually means to make sacred. Again, it is the idea of taking the carnal emotions and changing them into the spiritual attributes which we desire. As always, it is the fire of Love which does the work.