This ritual is used to Consecrate the Light Blue Band of the Planetary Wand

1.  Perform the Greater Moon Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram steps 1 - 11.

2.  Say, "It is the Intention of this Ritual to Consecrate the Light Blue Band of this Wand to the                         Forces of the Moon."

3.  Hold your Planetary Wand, horizontally, in your Left hand, by the Light Blue Stripe.  The White end           should be slightly higher than the Black end.  Say,

     "The Heavens are above and the Earth is beneath.  Between the Light and the Dark do vibrate            the colors of life.  I supplicate the powers and forces governing the nature, place and authority            of (vibrate) LEVANAH, by the Majesty of the Divine Name (vibrate) SHADDAI EL CHAI,

        with which, in Earth life and language, I ascribe the letter (vibrate) GIMEL.  I call

        the Planetary Intelligence (vibrate and trace)        


        and the Archangel (vibrate and trace) GABRIEL, 

        to bestow, this present day and hour, and confirm their mystic and potent influence upon the              LIGHT BLUE band of this Planetary Wand, which I hereby dedicate to the practice of Magick          and Occult Work. May my grasp upon it strengthen me in the work and attributes                                of (vibrate) LEVANAH."

4.  Give the Sign of Osiris Slain and LVX Signs.  Now, visualize and feel the Light Blue energy of the             MOON filling the Light Blue band of your Planetary Wand.  When you sense this has occurred, or               after about or after about three minutes, continue.

5.  Again, holding the Planetary Wand as in Step 3, by the Light Blue Band, 
Trace a Light Blue Moon               Invoking Hexagram, with the Index Finger of your Right hand, while vibrating "ARARITA".

6.  Point to the center of the Hexagram with your Index Finger.  In the center of the Hexagram, draw an             Light Blue Planetary Moon Symbol .  While doing so, vibrate the God Name                                         SHADDAI EL CHAI.

7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 a total of Nine times.

8.  Put your Planetary Wand back in its place on the Altar.  Make sure you wrap it in the White cloth you           have for this purpose.

9.  Give a License to Depart, saying,

       "I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ritual.                                             Depart in Peace to thy Abodes and Habitations and go with the Blessing of                                     SHADDAI EL CHAI."

10.  Perform the Greater Moon Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

11.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Sigil Source: Kamea of the Moon