To understand the nature of the Rose Cross Ritual, a thorough understanding of the Pentagrammaton is required:

Moving Counterclockwise around the Pentagram produces the name YHShVH. It places the letter Shin, representing Spirit, between the letter Vahv, representing the world of Briyah (Air) and the First letter Heh, representing the world of Yetzirah (Water). These are also referred to as the Mental and Astral Planes, respectively. Uniting these two, through Spirit (Shin) produces Visions. It also cleanses the consciousness of any lower level emotions and ideas, cleansing the Mind and Imagination.  It greatly aids in Silencing the Mind. This is why it is such a great preliminary to Meditation.

Moving Clockwise around the Pentagram produces the name YHVShH. This places the letter Shin, representing Spirit, between the letter, Vahv, representing Briyah (Air) and the Second Heh, representing Assiah (Earth). These are also referred to as the Mental and Physical Planes, respectively. Uniting these two through Spirit (Shin) produces a Centering of the Mind in the Body.  This is referred to as Grounding and Centering.

YHShVH-YHVShH centers the Cleansing Field of YHShVH in the Mind and Body, anchoring it between these 2 locations.

The next symbol that must be understood is the Rose Cross. This is pictured and described below:

At its most basic level, the Rose Cross symbolizes Spiritual Development: The Cross symbolizes the Human Body and the Rose symbolizes the expanding Spiritual Consciousness.

The Analysis of the Key Word invokes the Cleansing Light of Tiphareth into the newly cleansed and isolated space and consciousness created by the formulation of the Rose Crosses through the names YHShVH (Cleansing of Mind, Imagination and Emotions) and YHVShH (Grounding and Manifestation).


The practical effects of this ritual are that it Cleanses, Grounds and Centers the Mind, Imagination and Emotions, inducing a Meditative State that is also more receptive to Spiritual Visions and Divine Inspiration. Additionally, because it reigns in the aura, it induces a type of invisibility, making you less noticeable to those around you.