Sagittarius Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
Banishes Sagittarius Energy

Part I:  Analysis of the Key Word

1.   Stand West of the Altar facing East. 

2.   Put your arms out, forming a large cross with your entire body.  

      Proclaim loudly, the letters:  “I…N…R…I

3.   With the Index Finger of your Right hand, trace large Golden-White (the color of a candle flame)                   Hebrew letters before you (over the Altar from right to left). 

      As you trace, vibrate "Yud…Nun…Resh…Yud”            

4.  Give the Sign of Osiris Slain:  Put your hands out, forming a Cross with your entire body.  

     Proclaim: “The Sign of Osiris Slain.

5.  Give the Sign of Isis Mourning:  Form the letter "L" by raising your Right hand straight up.  Look at 

     your Left hand, with your head  slightly bowed.  Proclaim: "L...The Sign of the mourning of Isis."

6.  Give the Sign of Apophis and Typhon:  Raise your arms to a position over your head so that they form

     an angel of about 60 degrees, making a letter "V".  Your palms should be facing one another.  Tilt your

     head back and look up.  Proclaim: "V...The Sign of Apophis and Typhon."

7.  Give the Sign of Osiris Risen:  Cross your arms over your chest, Right over Left.  Your finger tips

     should be just touching your shoulders.  This forms the letter "X".  Bow your head.  

     Proclaim: "X...The Sign of Osiris Risen."

8.  Give the Sign of Osiris Slain.  Inhale deeply.

9.  Give the Sign of Isis Mourning.  Proclaim: "L."

10.  Give the Sign of Apophis and Typhon.  Proclaim: "V."

11.  Give the Sign of Osiris Risen.  Proclaim: "X. LVX." (pronounced: Lukes).

12.  At the word “Light” in the following statement, spread your arms and look forward.  

       Then re-cross your arms as before and bow your head while saying meaningfully:                                   "The Light…of the Cross."  

13.  Give the Sign of Osiris Slain.  Say, meaningfully:        

"Virgo, Isis, mighty Mother,

                          Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer,

                          Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen."

14.  While slowly raising the arms until you are making the Sign of Apophis and Typhon, proclaim:                     “Isis, ApophisOsiris


15.  While your arms still in the Sign of Apophis and Typhon, vibrate: "IAO." (pronounced Eeee.Ah.Ohh)

16.  Aspire to the Light. Proclaim: "Let the Divine Light descend,

       and draw the Light down over your head to your feet.

Part II:  Hexagrams and Sacred Names

17.  Go to the East of the Altar.  Trace an Orange Jupiter Banishing Hexagram, with the Index Finger           of your Right hand, while vibrating "ARARITA".

18.  Point to the center of the Hexagram with your finger.  In the center of the Hexagram, draw an                 Orange Sagittarius Astrological Sign:  

       While doing so, vibrate the God Name VYHH (Vee.Heh)  

19.  Make the Sign of the Enterer, sending Orange Light through the Sagittarius Symbol.                             Give the Sign of Silence.

20.  Point to the Sagittarius Symbol.  Trace a line of White Light as you move to the next Cardinal                 Direction.  Finish the line at the point where the center of the next Hexagram will be.

21.  Repeat steps 17 through 20 in each direction, until you are again facing East.

22.  Walking Clockwise, return to the Center of your Circle, to the West-North-West of your Altar.                 Face East-South-East.  Make another Hexagram, as in steps 17 through 19.

Part III:  Analysis of the Key Word Repeated

23.  Repeat the Analysis of the Key Word (Steps 1 - 16 of this ritual).