This Ritual is used to Consecrate the Sword

Instructions for constructing the Sword can be found here.

I.  Preliminary Rituals

1.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

2.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

3.  Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

4.  Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram.


II.  Evoking the Forces

5.  Perform the Greater Mars Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram, completing only steps 1 - 11.

6.  State the purpose of this ritual, saying,

     "It is the Intention of this Ritual to Consecrate this Sword so that it may be a strong and potent           tool to slay any Evil and Weakness that I may encounter."

7.  Face East and hold your Sword, horizontally, in your left hand by the handle.  Always remember to             move and pivot clockwise within your “temple” unless told otherwise.  As you vibrate each                           magickal Word, Title, or Name, trace with the Index Finger of your Right hand, when instructed, the             Sigil of the name, above the tool.  All of the Sigils are Red.  Say:

       "O Mighty Power who governeth MADIM, Thou strong and terrible Divine

         (Vibrate only) ELOHIM GIBOR. I beseech Thee to bestow upon this Magic Sword Power 

         and Might to slay the evil and weakness I may encounter as I search for inner wisdom 

         within Thy hidden light. 

         May Thy Great Archangel KAMAEL 

         bestow upon me courage wherewith to use it aright 

         and may the Planetary Intelligence (vibrate and trace) GRAPHIEL 

         protect me from all harm and scorch with flames those who would oppose my Will in my                     search for the True Light."

8.  Holding the Sword in your Left hand, trace in the Air, slowly, above the Sword, and as if standing               upon it, a Red Mars Invoking Hexagram, with the Index Finger of your Right hand, while                             vibrating, "ARARITA."

9.  Point to the center of the Hexagram with your Index Finger.  In the center of the Hexagram, draw a               Red Planetary Mars Symbol .  While doing so, vibrate the God Name ELOHIM GIBOR.

10.  Repeat Steps 8 and 9 a total of Five times.

III.  Final Banishings

11.  Replace the now charged and consecrated Sword in its appropriate place on the altar, wrapping it                 in the Red cloth you have for this purpose.

12.  Give a License to Depart, saying,

       "I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ritual.  Depart in                           Peace to thy Abodes and Habitations and go with the Blessing of ELOHIM GIBOR."

13.  Perform the Greater Mars Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

14.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Sigil Source:  Kamea of Mars.

                      These are the same as the Greater Mars Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram.