This ritual is used to Consecrate the Water Cup.

Instructions for constructing the Water Cup can be found here.

I.  Preliminary Rituals

1.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

2.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

3.  Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

4.  Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram.

II.  Evoking the Forces

5.  Perform the Greater Water Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, completing only steps 1 - 15.

6.  State the purpose of this ritual, saying,


      "It is the Intention of this Ritual to Consecrate this Cup so that it may be a strong and potent          tool to control the Element of Water."

7.  Face West and hold your Water Chalice in your left hand.  Always remember to move and pivot                   clockwise within your “temple” unless told otherwise.  As you vibrate each magickal Word, Title, or             Name, trace with the Index Finger of your Right hand, when instructed, the Sigil of the name, above the       tool.  All of the Sigils are Blue.  Say:

       O Thou who art timeless, thou who art Mother and Father of all things, Thou who dost clothe           Thyself with the forces of nature as we don a robe, by Thy Holy Divine Name (vibrate only)                 EL.  I Beseech Thee to grant me strength and inner vision as I search for inner wisdom                       within Thy hidden light.

I humbly request, as a student of Thy mystic laws, that thou mayest cause thy archangel

(vibrate and trace) GABRIEL

to guide me on my holy journey.

Please also direct Thy angel (vibrate and trace) TALIAHAD (Tahl.Yah.Hahd)

to watch over me and protect me as I traverse the mystic pathways of the universe.

Oh (vibrate and trace) THARSIS (Tahr.Siss),

thou powerful Prince and Ruler of Water, by the permission of the Eternal One, increase and

strengthen the secret forces and virtues of this Water Cup so that I may use it to perform those

magickal rituals for which it has been fashioned so that I, too, may command the forces of

(vibrate only) GIHON (Gee.Hohn) and (vibrate only) MAYIM (M.Eye.Yeem) over which thou

art Lord.  It is to this end that I now perform this rite of consecration in the presence divine of

(vibrate only) EL.

8.  Holding the Water Cup in your Left hand, trace in the Air, slowly, above it, and as if standing                       upon it, a Blue Water Invoking Pentagram, with the Index Finger of your Right hand.

9.  Point to the center of the Pentagram with your Index Finger, and vibrate the God Name EL.

10.  Repeat Steps 8 and 9 a total of Ten times.

III.  Final Banishings

11.  Replace the now charged and consecrated Water Cup in its appropriate place on the altar, wrapping it           in the Blue cloth you have for this purpose.

12.  Give a License to Depart, saying,

       "I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ritual.  Depart in                           Peace to thy Abodes and Habitations and go with the Blessing of EL."

13.  Perform the Greater Water Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

14.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Sigil Source:  Kamea of the Moon.  

                       These are the same as the Greater Water Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.