101. In your home be joyous and generous to guests and you should be

discreet your bearing, mindful and talkative if you would gain wisdom, often making mention of good.  He is called “Simpleton” who has naught to say, for such is the fashion of fools.

Be friendly and generous to guests in your home.  Be discreet, mindful and

active in conversations if you would learn anything from your guests.

102. I sought that old Jötun, now safe am I back, little served my

silence there; but by whispering many soft speeches I won my desire

in Suttung's halls.

When seeking inspiration, it is necessary to make conscious effort but not

brag about your practices.  By performing the exercises many times you

will gradually become more intuitive and open to inspiration.

103. I bored me a road there with Rati's tusk and made room to pass

through the rock; while the ways of the Jötuns stretched over and

under, I dared my life for a draught.

You must perform spiritual exercises that can be called rituals to reverse

the process of concealment that the birth of your Ego caused your Soul to

go through.

104. It was Gunnlod who gave me on a golden throne a draught of the

glorious mead, but with poor reward did I pay her back for her true

and troubled heart.

When the Ego is purified and enlightened through the Soul, the yearning

for spiritual knowledge lessens.

105. In a clever disguise I worked my will; little is lacking to the wise,

for the Soul-stirrer now, sweet Mead of Song, is brought to men's

earthly abode.

The practice itself is to purify your own soul, thus you are still using the

idea of individuality, but now the focus is on your individual Soul and not

the Ego.

106. I misdoubt me if ever again I had come from the realms of the

Jötun race, had I not served myself of Gunnlod, sweet woman, her

whom I held in mine arms.

In order to escape the chaotic forces that are the result of a corrupt Ego, it

is necessary to actively seek enlightenment through spiritual practices.

107. Came forth, next day, the dread Frost Giants, and entered the

High One's Hall: they asked -- was the Bale-worker back mid the

Powers, or had Suttung slain him below?

The forces of the Ego attempt to return to your consciousness.  Continue

performing the rituals given elsewhere on this site as instructed to keep your

mind clear and your spirit cleansed.

108. A ring-oath Odin I thought had taken -- how shall one trust his

troth?  It was he who stole the mead from Suttung, and Gunnlod

caused to weep.

You cannot destroy your Ego entirely without destroying your current

incarnation.  However, the rituals given in this book, instead, purify it of

negative forces.  Negative forces are things like Anger, Hatred, Greed, Etc.