Many people who practice magick have friends or relatives who do not understand their path, or fear they are doing something “unholy” or “evil”.  It is unfortunate that those “friends” have a tendency, through their ignorance, to misuse prayer and the powers of the mind to attempt to influence another person to be afraid of, or ignore the magickal\spiritual path.  

The effects of such prayers, when used against a sensitive person, is that he\she may suddenly become afraid of Magick and Spirit and not know why.  On a subtler level, the individual may simply lose the desire to practice and meditate for a time.  The relationship of the people using prayer and other powers of the mind is, at this point, irrelevant.  They are exerting a spiritual influence on your soul that is unwanted and, ultimately, destructive.  How do you free yourself from such influence?

Below is given basic instructions for a ritual that is so powerful that it will remove the power of anyone who attempts to manipulate you in this way:



Following the instructions for the Prayer Ritual, say a prayer to YHVH (Yah.Veh) asking to be freed from their influence.  Freeing people of influence like this is his spiritual signature.  There are other energies\deities that do this same thing, but this is the one from this particular system.  

The immediate effect of this prayer will be that you will find your abilities unrestricted again and your mind free of the manipulative influence.  Now, upon the person that tried to manipulate you, their energy will have become blocked.  Any fear and desire to control you will manifest within their mind as a blockage, which may result in a physical illness if the individual does not change their belief about you and what you are doing or their practice of attempting to manipulate you.  This is also one of the few instances where you can actually do this sort of thing without any negative consequences.  It is irrelevant if they are the owner of the house in which you live, related to you, your employer, a local coven who dislikes your methods of doing things, etc.  This practice will work on anyone who attempts to prevent you from doing spiritual work or Magick.


After praying for this, simply go about your spiritual practices as usual.  You should notice immediately that you feel a greater sense of freedom.  Rest assured that those who attempted to manipulate you have been dealt with by the divine, for what they’ve attempted to do is against the greatest spiritual laws.  These people have acted much like the Egyptians in Exodus, and so, they will now be treated, spiritually, like the Egyptians, until they “let you go”.

This is just one of many techniques that I've found effective for this purpose.