THE THRESHOLD RITE: A Personal Variation

Within the 21 Lessons of Merlyn is a ritual that the text says will enable one to physically walk into the Otherworld.  However, it is possible to perform a variation that, instead, opens doors in the mind.  Another way of putting it is that it expands perceptions.  The incense that is used affects the mind in the same way other hallucinogenic herbs do.  It is not necessary, but can enhance the effect of the ritual.

Also, the ritual is performed in a circle of Preseli Bluestone.  This stone concentrates Earth Energy (which is why the ideal time for this ritual is during Nature’s Threshold Times), expands the mind and aids the practitioner in contemplation and drawing swift conclusions to see through problems.  In fact, Arthur does this very thing in the story.  Merlyn says the place Arthur ‘travels to’ is the “place of dreams” and that he cannot remain there for too long.  “Only after you become a dream, yourself, can you remain here.”

As for getting “lost in the Otherworld”.  In this version of the Rite, This means losing touch with the physical.  This is very easy to do in Shamanic or Meditative States.  The individual, upon returning, should make sure they are firmly “grounded” and their awareness should be returned to the Physical.

For this version of the Rite, I used a personal variation of the Threshold Smoke Incense.  My most recent version of Threshold Smoke (created with substitutions) can be found listed with the recipe, through the link at the end of this paragraph.  It is listed as, "Threshold Smoke Incense #2".  One of the reasons for the new version is because some of the ingredients in the original version are hard to get and one of them is illegal in most states I am aware of in the USA.  Both versions of the recipe can be found here.

1. Place your Stone Circle, Clockwise.  There should be 8 or 12 pieces.  I believe Preseli Bluestone would

    be best, but this is not necessary.  You should have an object consecrated to Janus, the Roman God of  

    Doorways, within the Circle.  This need not be anything elaborate.  A small image or drawing of Janus that you

    have consecrated to him would be fine.  The function of this Talisman is to help you "see in both worlds."

2. Be seated within your Circle.  Speak the Grand Invocation: 

    To Bathe in the Waters of Life, 

    to Wash off the Not Human, 

    I come in Self Annihilation 

    and the Grandeur of Inspiration.

3. Now, recite the Charm of Making Three Times in rapid succession:


More information concerning this Charm, as well as a link to an English Translation, can be found here.

As written, the Charm is pronounced,  "Zah-Mah Zah-Mah Oh-Zah Rach-Mah Oh-Zye!"

NOTE: "Ch" sounds like the Scottish word "loch".

4. Now, meditate on the problem you are seeking an answer to.  When you are satisfied, extinguish the incense

    and collect your stone circle in the opposite direction you placed it.   This signals your mind to return to normal


I performed this ritual in late 2017.  The result was a state of strong mental clarity and Visions that contained answers to personal problems I was having at the time.