Regular performance of this ritual will purify your consciousness on all levels, bring you greater Inner Peace, balance your energy, increase your vitality and strengthen your aura.

NOTE:  Names are written phonetically in parentheses to aid in proper pronunciation.


1. Raise your hands, palms out, as if in Blessing.  Say, I praise Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds and those that are to be Thought, Spoken and Done.  I do accept all Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.


2. Go to the East of your area and face East.  This is the direction of the element of Fire.  Make a large Swastika in Gold Flame .  Charge it with the name KATHRAVAO  (Kah-Thrah-Vah-Oh).  Draw a line of White Light from the Swastika, around the circle, stopping in the South.

3. Facing South, the direction of the element of Air, draw another large Swastika in Gold Flame.  Charge it with the name MAZDA  (Mahz-Duh).  Carry the line of White Light to the West.

4. In the West, Facing West, the direction of the element of Water, draw another Gold Swastika, like the others.  Charge it with the name TBAESHO-TAURVAO  (Teh-Beh-Shoh Tor-Vah-Oh).  Carry the line of White Light to the North.

5. In the North, the direction of the element of Earth, draw another large, Gold Swastika.  Charge it with the name KERFEGAR  (Kur-Feh-Gah-R).  Carry the line of White Light back to the East, which is where you started, completing the Circle.

6. Through Visualization, expand the Circle of White Light above and below you, so that it forms a sphere of White Light.  In each direction, there should be a large golden Swastika.  Put your hands out, forming a large equal armed Cross with your body.  Visualize another golden Swastika encompassing your entire body.


7. Still facing East, Visualize an archangel clothed in Red.  He carries scales in his Left hand and Fire in his Right. Say: “Before me is ASHA VAHISHTA.” (Ah-Shah Vah-Hish-Tah)

8. Behind you, Visualize a female archangel clothed in Blue and White, flowing robes.  She wears a Gold Belt. She holds what appears to be a white staff.  Say: “Behind me is HAURVATAT.”  (Hohr-Vah-Taht)

9. Visualize another archangel to your Right, which is the South.  He wears a White robe with an Orange sash. 

He has a small brown dog he is petting.  Say: “On my Right hand, VOHU MANAH.”  (Voh-Hoo Mah-Nah)

10. Visualize another archangel to your Left.  She wears a Silver crown and a Blue robe.  Her robe is open, revealing a river and what appears to be a desert, with a mountain in the distance underneath a night sky.  Her hands are empty.  Say: “On my Left hand, SPENTA ARMAITI.”  (Spehn-Tah Ahr-May-Tee)

11. Visualize another archangel above you.  He wears bright, white robes and holds a small container of incense in his Left hand and an unlit torch in his Right.  He has wings.  He wears a round White hat and has a Silver Halo around his head.  He stands over a small fire.  Say: “Above me, SPENTA MAINYU.”  (Spehn-Tah Mayn-You)

12. Visualize another archangel below your feet. He wears a green robe and is surrounded by plants.  He holds a Red lotus flower in his Right hand and wears a Green crown on his head.  He has black hair.  Say: “Below me, AMERETAT.”  (Ah-Mayr-Eh-Taht)

13. Within you, in the same location as your heart, visualize a male archangel.  He wears a robe of Gold, Brown, Orange and Yellow colors.  In his Right hand, he holds a gold ring.  His left hand holds a sheathed sword.  He has a golden, winged crown, upon which sits a Gold ball symbolizing the sun and containing, as its base, a Silver crescent moon.  Say: “Within me, KHSHATHRA VAIRYA.”  (Rolling "Ch" like Scottish "Loch":  "Ch-Shah-Thrah Vayr-Yah)

14. Raise the right arm to point upwards, keeping the elbow square, and lower the left arm to point downwards, keeping the elbow square, while turning the head over the left shoulder looking down so that the eyes follow the left forearm.  Visualize a large, golden Swastika the size of your entire body.  Say: “For about me is the Swastika, ”.

15. Visualize a bright White Fire burning within you, right where your heart is.  Say: "And within me burns the Holy Fire."


16. Repeat step 1 of this ritual.

The Swastika is a symbol of the revolving Sun, life-giving Fire and Infinite Creativity. Fire is the Zoroastian symbol for purity and is said to be a form of Ahura Mazda.  Asha Vahishta means, "Truth and Justice."  He personifies Divine Law, Righteousness, Truth, Order, Justice and Progress.  He is said to rule Asha (Spirit) and Fire.  Vohu Mano means, "Good Mind, Intelligence and Good Thinking."  He personifies the discerning wisdom and thorough thinking required for leading a useful life.  He is the generator of Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.  He is the intellectual principle.  He is said to rule Cattle.  Haurvatat means, "Wholeness, Integrity, Health and Completion."  She personifies the perfecting process and the final completion of our physical and spiritual evolution.  She is said to rule Water, guarding its physical and spiritual nature.  She brings Prosperity and Health.  Spenta Armaiti means, "Holy Devotion."  She personifies holy devotion and righteous obedience and also perfect mindedness gained through Humility, Faith, Devotion, Piety and so on.  She is said to rule Earth. Spenta Mainyu means, "The Holy, Creative Spirit."  He is the Spirit of Ahura Mazda, active in the World.  He is the god of Life and personifies Light and Goodness in the World and People.  He has dominion over humans. Ameretat means, "Deathless and Immortal."  She personifies Immortality.  She is the completion of our evolutionary development and the final achievement of our life on Earth.  She is said to rule the physical and spiritual aspects of Eternal Life.  Kshathra Vairya means, "Righteous Power."  He personifies self control and the Power to settle in Peace.