This ritual cleanses the Astral Body or Aura, Seals out External Forces and Invokes Inner Peace.

STEP 1: Go to the South-East corner of your ritual area and face that corner.  Using a lit stick of incense (or the Index Finger of your Right Hand), draw a cross and then a circle, not quite big enough to surround the cross. The circle represents the rose.  Using the Sign of the Entererstab the circle on the last syllable and feel the rose being energized.  Vibrate YEH-HAH-SHU-AH.  Give the Sign of Silence.  Point to the center of the rose.

STEP 2: Draw a line from the center of that rose cross to the South-West corner.  Repeat drawing the cross and rose.  Again, using the Sign of the Enterer to charge the rose, vibrate YEH-HAH-SHU-AH.  Give the Sign of Silence.  Point to the center of the rose.

STEP 3: Draw a line from the center of that rose cross to the North-West corner.  Repeat drawing the cross and the rose.  Once again, charge the rose cross using the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating 

YEH-HAH-SHU-AH. Again, give the Sign of Silence.  Point to the center of the rose.

STEP 4: Do the same again, this time moving to the North-East corner.  Redraw the cross and the rose, charging it as you did the others.

STEP 5: Move back to the South-East to complete the circle, but this time do not vibrate the word or redraw the cross.

STEP 6: Turn around to face the opposite corner: the North-West.  Use the incense to draw a line from the rose cross at the South-East corner, above your head to the spot midway between the SE and NW corners.  Draw the cross and rose.  Make the Sign of the Enterer and vibrate the word.  Give the Sign of Silence.  Then, again point to the center of the rose and draw another line from the NW corner, down to the middle of your Circle, pointing toward the ground.  Draw the cross and rose and charge it, vibrating the word, as you did the others. Complete the journey back to the SE corner.  Now you have made a vertical circle between the SE and NW corners.

STEP 7: Move clockwise to the SW corner. Repeat Step 6, moving, this time, between the SW and NE: As you pause at the Rose Cross above your head, perform the Sign of the Enter again and re-vibrate the Name. Give the Sign of Silence.  Again point to the center of the rose.  Continue, pausing at the each Rose Cross in the NE, Below and returning to the SW, without re-vibrating the Name for any of them.

STEP 8: Move clockwise around to each of the corners, from SW to NW, to NE, to SE, drawing a line around the room, and at each corner point to the spot where you drew the rose cross, as if stabbing the center of the rose again, and again vibrate the name.

STEP 9: When you get back to the SE, rest the point of the incense, briefly, at the center of the cross.  Then, draw another cross and rose:  Only this time, make them as big as you can.  Charge it, using the 

Sign of the Enterer, pointing to the center of the figure.  

Vibrate YEH-HAH-SHU-AH YEH-HOH-VAH-SHAH. Give the Sign of Silence

STEP 10: Now, return to the center of your ritual area and face East.  See and feel the Rose Crosses which surround you, all connected by lines of White Light.  This is a protective sphere and aids in astral invisibility.  It also reconciles any opposing forces within you.

STEP 11: Perform the Analysis of the Key Word as given here:

   1. Stand West of the Altar facing East.

   2. Put your arms out, forming a large cross with your entire body.  Proclaim loudly, the letters:         "I...N...R...I".

   3. With your Athame (dagger you use for the LBRP, or the Index finger of your Right hand), trace large         golden  (the color of a candle flame) Hebrew letters before you (over the Altar from right to left). 

       As you trace, vibrate "Yud...Nun...Resh...Yud”              

    4. Clasp your hands together over the center of your chest.  Interlace your fingers and, if using a         Dagger, hold it between your knuckles pointing upward.  Extend your elbows horizontally.

    5. Give the Sign of Osiris Slain.  Proclaim: “The Sign of Osiris Slain

    6. Give the Sign of the Mourning of Isis.  Proclaim: "L…The Sign of the Mourning of Isis."

    7. Give the Sign of Apophis and Typhon.  Proclaim: "V…The Sign of Typhon and Apophis."

    8. Give the Sign of Osiris Risen.  Proclaim: "X…The Sign of Osiris Risen."

    9. At the word “Light” in the following statement, spread your arms and look forward.  Then re-cross your arms as before and bow your head while saying meaningfully: "The Light…of the Cross."

  10. Give the Sign of Osiris Slain, but look forward instead of bowing your head.  Say meaningfully:  

        "Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother,

         Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer,

         Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen..."

  11. While slowly raising the arms, proclaim: “Isis, ApophisOsiris


  12. By the time your hands return to the gesture of step 9, above (the gesture of Apophis), you should be looking up, just as you were in that step.  Now, bring your hands down slowly while you vibrate "IAO" (pronounced eeeeeeeeeeeeeee-aaaaaaahhhh-oooooohhhh).


  13. Say: "Let the Divine Light descend!"  Visualize the Light coming down over your head, and continuing down to your feet, covering your body in brilliant white light.