This ritual invokes the Divine Light and aids in achieving Cosmic Consciousness or Transcendence.  The gestures in the ritual are from the practice of Stadhagaldr (Runic Yoga).  Bjarka is the rune signifying Birth and the Cosmic Womb.  The Eiwaz rune signifies transformation\transition.  Madr is the rune signifying Integration and Manifestation.  So, these three runes and their gestures signify Birth, Transformation and Manifestation.  The Sol rune signifies the Sun, Illumination, Health, and Vitality.  Regular performance of this ritual creates a living vortex of energy around the practitioner that purifies the individual on all levels of Being.

1. Slowly raise and lower your arms, forming the gesture for the Hagal Rune with your entire body.  This is

    also the sign for Yggdrasil, the World Tree upon which Odin is said to have hung for nine days and nights in

    order to learn the Runes.  Draw the Runes in the air in blue flame, saying the names of each as you do:

    Bjarka, Eiwaz, Madr, BIM (This word of power is pronounced “Beem”).


    Repeat the Sign of Yggdrasil, while saying,

    The Light…of Yggdrasil!  

    (arms up)…(arms back down)

2. Using the gestures of Runic Yoga, make the gesture for Bjarka.  Stand straight with your feet together.  Raise

    your right foot slightly, bending your knee.  Raise your right arm, bending your elbow, placing your hand at

    your hip.   Say, Bjarka!

3. Again using the gestures of Runic Yoga, make the gesture for Eiwaz.  This is done by standing straight, feet

    together, and bending your right arm toward your face so that your hand almost touches it.  Your Left arm

    should be in the exact opposite position, with your hand almost touching your lower back, behind you.  Your

    body should resemble a Eiwaz Rune.   Say, Eiwaz!

4. Now, make the gesture of Madr.  This is done by standing with your feet together and crossing your arms

    behind your head.   Say, Madr!

5. Slowly raise your arms toward the sky, beginning another gesture for Yggdrasil, saying as you do: 

    Bjarka, Eiwaz, Madr!

6. Slowly lower your arms back toward your sides, completing the gesture, while saying, BIM!

7. When your arms have returned to your sides, say:  Let the Divine Light Descend!

8. Go to the East of your area and face East.  Draw a large Sol Rune in electric blue flame.  Vibrate the

    name of the rune: Sol!

9. Draw a line of white light from the Sol Rune in the East, around your area until you reach the South.  There,

    make another large Sol Rune.  Vibrate its name, Sol!

10. Repeat step 9, carrying the line to the West and evoking the rune as before.

11. Repeat, carrying the line to the North where you will evoke another Sol Rune.

12. Continue carrying the line to the East, thus completing your Circle.

13. Repeat steps 1-7 of this ritual.

NOTE:  You may wish to Open this ritual with steps 1-6 of the Ritual of the Guardian Elks, instead of steps 1-7,

              as given here.  Even if you choose to do this, Close with this ritual's first seven steps.