There are several types of Vampires, defined by the type of energy they need and the methods used to acquire it. It is possible for a person to be more than one type.

Elemental Vampire:  These are vampires that feed on energy from the elements.  A favorite is Thunderstorms.

Psychic Vampire:  As the name implies, these are vampires that feed psychically on life force/spiritual energy.

Sanguine Vampire:  While these do feed on Blood, like the psychic vampire, it is the Life Force contained within blood that is actually needed.  Blood is essentially concentrated Life Force.  Though often downplayed within much of the Vampire Community, this also applies to Menstrual Blood, which is naturally expelled from the body.  If the Donor and Vampire agree with the use of Menstrual Blood (Adults Only), then they must work out the details of this themselves.

Sexual\Tantric Vampire:  Again, as the name implies, these vampires feed on the Life Force that is generated by Orgasm and sexual fluids.  This can also be done astrally, if the donor is willing to engage in astral sex:  The exact details of that should be worked out between the Vampire and Donor.  Adults Only.

Hybrid Vampire:  A Hybrid Vampire is a person who fits into more than one of the above categories.

All of these have at least one thing in common, they need to feed on Life Force (this has many names) in order to satisfy a personal energy deficiency. This deficiency can be caused by many things from something that the vampire has had since birth (or before) to some form of trauma.