This is the Elder Uthark Rune System.  Most sources teach that these are the original runes discovered by Odin in a visionary experience brought about by a Vision Quest.  The story of this is recorded in Havamal.

1 Ur      Unmanifest Energy and Space into which Manifestation will begin.  It can be used to create Change, Healing, Vitality, Strength, and boost energy of Magick Ritual.

2 Thurs  Clearing away chaotic forces so that ordered manifestation can begin; Defends ordered manifestation.  Protection.

3 As     Thought – the Word that created and creates everything.  Communication, wisdom, and clarity.  Increase Spiritual Energy.

4 Reid  Potency of movement and direction.  The power of movement.  Momentum.  Used to keep a situation from stagnating.

5 Ken   The Fire that comes from within to provide Illumination.  This rune can be used for Healing, kindling Love and Passion, and strengthening Creativity.

6 Gifu    Time.  Consciousness.  Gifts.  Partnerships in all realms.  Balance.  Integration of energies.

7 Wynja Universal Love.  Bliss.  Joy.  Fulfillment.

8 Hagal  Pattern that is set for manifesting energy as all of Creation.  The hand of fate in a situation bringing influence that you do not control.  Slow, steady pace.

9 Nyd     The Past that shapes the Present, the Present that shapes the Future.  Need. Desire.  Fulfilling those needs.  Motivation created by stress.

10 Isa     Energy crystallizing and becoming matter.  Freezing an issue.  It can also be used to still emotions and begin a Separation process.

11 Jara   Energy progressing through Matter and again becoming Spirit.  Acquiring results from your efforts.

12 Pertra The subconscious/soul.  Unexpected gains.  Illumination.  Intuition.

13 Eiwaz The eternal cycle of Death and Rebirth that flow into one another.  Banishing Blockages or Obstacles.  Invoking Foresight.

14 Algiz    The aura.  Guards against outside influences.  Brings Good fortune and Personal Strength.

15 Sol        Spirit; Chi; Qi; Ruach.  Provides Illumination of your Purpose, Strength, Vitality, and Health.

16 Tyr Force of spiritual evolution.  Seeks to weaken and destroy the parts of your Ego that prevent energy from circulating freely.  Victory over opposing forces.  Virility.

17 Bjarka The Matrix that both creates and supports Life and Creation.  Mother Earth. Fertility.  Protection.

18 Eh Union of Spirit and Soul; Consciousness and the subconscious/Soul; Alchemical Marriage.  Swift change.

19 Madr The Soul within striving for expression.  Spirit becoming flesh in order to more fully express itself within the physical world.  The integration of Spirit and Matter.  Help from others.  Teamwork.  Attracting others to your cause.

20 Lagu   Dissolution.  Energy rising from the subconscious\Soul and purifying it on all levels.  Dissolving creative blocks, thereby making intuitive guidance and feelings more clear.

21 Ing The force that stores our potential.  The soul’s memory of past incarnations or patterns.  The Personal Akashic Record.  Pattern from one cycle shaping the next one.

22 Odal Both the physical and spiritual talents from past lives combined with the memories of them.  These are collected by the soul\subconscious over its various incarnations\lives.  Protection of possessions and inherited traits within the psyche.

23 Dagaz Cosmic Consciousness.  Seeing the world through the eyes of your soul.  Enlightenment.  Self-Transformation.  Major turning point in life.

24 Fehu   Fulfillment of all that has gone before so that out of its destruction can be projected the power of a new beginning.  Power put to use that benefits all.  Movable possessions.  Projection of energy.