Many religions use sacred bathing or baptisms as part of their purification rituals.  In Vodou, this is called the Lav Tet or "Washing of the Head" ritual is a spiritual cleansing bath.  Its purpose is to remove negativity from your Spirit. Most cleansing baths contain one or more of the following:

Basil               Attracts High Vibrations and protects from Negativity.

Bay Leaves     Immunizes you against Psychic Attack.

Rosemary       Brings good fortune.

Hyssop           Very powerful for removing Negativity.

Coffee            Strengthen the Aura.

Milk               Spirit Restorative.

Other herbs you can use include:

Purslane                 Brings Money and the Protection of the Goddess.

White Roses (8)     Strengthen Aura.

Vervain                  Excellent for keeping away psychic attacks.

Parsley                   Brings Wealth and, with Milk, restores the Spirit.