21 There shall be twelve stones with their names according to the names of the sons of Israel; they shall be like signets, each engraved with its name, for the twelve tribes.


22 And you shall make for the breastpiece twisted chains like cords, of pure gold;


23 and you shall make for the breastpiece two rings of gold, and put the two rings on the two edges of the breastpiece.


24 And you shall put the two cords of gold in the two rings at the edges of the breastpiece;


25 the two ends of the two cords you shall attach to the two settings of filigree, and so attach it in front to the shoulder-pieces of the ephod.


26 And you shall make two rings of gold, and put them at the two ends of the breastpiece, on its inside edge next to the ephod.


27 And you shall make two rings of gold, and attach them in front to the lower part of the two shoulder-pieces of the ephod, at its joining above the skilfully woven band of the ephod.


28 And they shall bind the breastpiece by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, that it may lie upon the skilfully woven band of the ephod, and that the breastpiece shall not come loose from the ephod.


29 So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastpiece of judgment upon his heart, when he goes into the holy place, to bring them to continual remembrance before YHVH.


30 And in the breastpiece of judgment you shall put the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goes in before YHVH; thus Aaron shall bear the judgment of the people of Israel upon his heart before YHVH continually.

Lastly the Urim and Thummim, translated from one of the languages of the Old Testament, Aramaic, are revelations or illuminations and purity or truth.  This is obviously the badge of the Illuminated Consciousness. For the Priests it was a sacred oracle.  They were placed upon the heart to help him in judgement and communication with YHVH.  Some writers indicate that they represent the harmonizing of the masculine and feminine which must be accomplished by the Initiate.


31 "And you shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue.


32 It shall have in it an opening for the head, with a woven binding around the opening, like the opening in a garment, that it may not be torn.


33 On its skirts you shall make pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet stuff, around its skirts, with bells of gold between them,


34 a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, round about on the skirts of the robe.


35 And it shall be upon Aaron when he ministers, and its sound shall be heard when he goes into the holy place before YHVH, and when he comes out, lest he die.


36 "And you shall make a plate of pure gold, and engrave on it, like the engraving of a signet, 'Holy to YHVH.'


37 And you shall fasten it on the turban by a lace of blue; it shall be on the front of the turban.


38 It shall be upon Aaron's forehead, and Aaron shall take upon himself any guilt incurred in the holy offering which the people of Israel hallow as their holy gifts; it shall always be upon his forehead, that they may be accepted before YHVH.


39 "And you shall weave the coat in checker work of fine linen, and you shall make a turban of fine linen, and you shall make a girdle embroidered with needlework.


40 "And for Aaron's sons you shall make coats and girdles and caps; you shall make them for glory and beauty.

41 And you shall put them upon Aaron your brother, and upon his sons with him, and shall anoint them and ordain them and consecrate them, that they may serve me as priests.


42 And you shall make for them linen breeches to cover their naked flesh; from the loins to the thighs they shall reach;


43 and they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his sons, when they go into the tent of meeting, or when they come near the altar to minister in the holy place; lest they bring guilt upon themselves and die. This shall be a perpetual statute for him and for his descendants after him.