Magister Templi is a Latin title meaning, “Master of the Temple”. The initiation into the Vision of Sorrow.  

The individual must learn Detachment and to overcome all forms of Greed.

In Hermeticism and Spiritual Alchemy, the work of this degree corresponds to the step of Coagulation.

According to the Kabala, this degree corresponds to Binah on the Tree of Life.

Magister Templi Self Dedication Ritual

In the Egyptian Mystery Tradition, this degree corresponds to Tepu-tu, Master of the Stone Mountain. 

This degree also corresponds to Tep-Het, Master of the Temple.

In Druidism, this degree corresponds to Ovate, the second degree in the system.

On the level of Practical Magick, personal Intuition becomes stronger and more pure, and psychic abilities may also increase.  The individual also learns to suspend their own judgement in order to attain greater understanding of views held by others.